Re: PLA Photos II (Strictly Photos & Video, Pls Read First Post!)
Look back at the Helmet. It's Shaped like the Us M1 helmet and has a ledge that hangs around the edge and would impeded the hinge particular since the Helmet looks rather loose. and the harness is going too be a pain in the head...particular given the helmet it's not a modern type and looks like a covered GK80 helmet vintage 1970
Which is why I made a point of saying I felt it was more likely he was wearing those NVGs on a head strap.
If he had one of the modern kevlar helmets with built in NVG clip, he would no doubt have just clipped his NVGs in place on that, but since many PLA soldiers are still using the order helmets without such niceties, a head strap makes more sense.
Now you have a point about the goggles but that's common too modern western types now in that via placing the unit on a mount they have a stand off space allowing wear of goggles mind you modern issue goggles are lower profile looking more like sports eye wear.
Well, I think those are more snow goggles than ballistic goggles since most ballistic goggles look more compact as you have noted.
too be honest Something about the image says this is not the PLA's modern stuff it some how strikes me as a reservist.
The PLA don't really have reservists like the US or NATO counties do, and PLA reservists would certainly not be training with Type 95s or NVGs. This guy looks like a front line trooper, although one of the second tier units rather than someone from one of the elite divisions.