News on China's scientific and technological development.

Leadership in BlockChain Technology - 3 seconds Remittance Services. It is secure, quick and low cost(free) service.

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GCash, AlipayHK launch blockchain-powered remittance service

Jack Ma decides to build from scratch a money transfer service after the US prevented Alibaba from buying MoneyGram. He decided to create a money transfer service that will be better than MoneyGram. It is more ubiquitous(smartphone), more secure(blockchain), more convenient, instantaneous and less costly to use. It could potentially change the financial world order for payment system.

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Standard Chartered and Alibaba launch cross-border remittance service, Ripple at risk?
June 26, 2018 By
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Notable quote: At present, there are still 1.7 billion people in the world who do not have bank accounts, but most people own mobile phones. The blockchain’s impact on the future of humanity may be far beyond our imagination.”


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Jack Ma decides to build from scratch a money transfer service after the US prevented Alibaba from buying MoneyGram. He decided to create a money transfer service that will be better than MoneyGram. It is more ubiquitous(smartphone), more secure(blockchain), more convenient, instantaneous and less costly to use. It could potentially change the financial world order for payment system.

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Standard Chartered and Alibaba launch cross-border remittance service, Ripple at risk?
June 26, 2018 By
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Notable quote: At present, there are still 1.7 billion people in the world who do not have bank accounts, but most people own mobile phones. The blockchain’s impact on the future of humanity may be far beyond our imagination.”

Slowly but surely, the market for Chinese financial services is growing internationally. American banks and companies like Visa and MasterCard are watching with trepidation.

Why China’s Payment Apps Give U.S. Bankers Nightmares
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now I read
China set to become largest 5G market by 2025
2018-06-29 21:18 GMT+8
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China is expected to become the world's largest 5G market by 2025, accounting for 430 million 5G connections, or one-third of the global total, according to a report released by Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA) and Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI).

All three Chinese mobile operators are currently conducting live 5G trials as part of a multi-year plan that includes research and development, and a network deployment strategy with a view to a large scale commercial launch by 2020, according to the report released at the ongoing Mobile World Congress Shanghai.

It emphasized that China's pre-commercial and commercial launch footprints will also be among the largest in the world in terms of base stations.

China's leading role in 5G is backed by a proactive government intent on delivering rapid structural change, said Mats Granryd, director general of GSMA.

"Chinese mobile operators should be encouraged to deliver what they do best in providing secure, reliable, and intelligent connectivity to businesses and enterprises across the country," said Granryd.
First ever EPR nuclear reactor comes on-line. Same reactor to be built at Hinkley Point C in UK.

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EPR Taishan reactor linked to grid
Source: Xinhua| 2018-06-30 00:04:37|Editor: Mu Xuequan
GUANGZHOU, June 29 (Xinhua) -- A third-generation European Pressurized Reactor (EPR) nuclear power unit at Taishan power plant in south China's Guangdong Province, was successfully linked to grid on Friday.

The Taishan nuclear power plant's No.1 power unit is the world's first third-generation EPR nuclear power unit that has been linked to grid, according to China Guangdong Nuclear Power Company (CGNPC).

The plant is the largest Sino-French project in the energy field. It is run by a joint venture set up by CGNPC, French energy supplier Electricite de France (EDF), and Guangdong Yudean Group.

Construction on the No.1 power unit began in 2009. Construction of another reactor of the same kind, the No.2 power unit, began in 2010.

The EPR technology used in the Taishan reactors is third-generation nuclear power technology jointly developed by EDF and Framatome.
sci-fi looking:

from the stream in
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Live: The world's first man-machine neuroimaging doctor contest kicks off in Beijing
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China developing smart rocket able to plot own flight plan
Xinhua| 2018-06-29 16:57:41
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China is developing a smart rocket that can rectify mechanical failures during flight and plot a new flight path.

The rocket, which is being developed by a project team with the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, will have the ability to perceive, judge, plan, and execute flight corrections by itself. It will be equipped with an advanced reusable power system that can be switched on and off repeatedly.

Based on its flight mission, capabilities and external environment, the rocket can automatically devise the best flight control plan and complete its own space launch.

The ultimate goal for rocket launches is to enter the targeted orbit. In case of non-fatal malfunctions, those with non-explosive or non-structural damage, the smart rocket can respond and make adjustments by itself, including entering emergency rescue orbit and returning to base, to minimize losses.

"If there was an engine malfunction, an ordinary rocket may fail to complete its mission and risk of falling or collision," said Gao Lei, chief designer of the project team.

The smart rocket, however, could quickly evaluate the situation and its capabilities, and make a new flight plan. For example, if it loses power, the rocket would maximize its capabilities to set a new target, such as entering a lower orbit, and gradually reaching the original target after orbital transfer by satellites and other payloads, to complete the mission, Gao said.

Shang Teng, a member of the project team, said that the smart rocket could also reduce launch cost, and all carrier rockets in active service would be upgraded to smart rockets in the future.
Jun 8, 2018
now noticed the tweet
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China’s new and longer Fuxing bullet trains will start to run on the Beijing-Shanghai line on July 1. Measuring more than 400 meters in length, the new 350-kph train has 16 carriages, twice as many as current ones, and can carry nearly 1,200 passengers.


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China's new and longer
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bullet train ran the first trial operation on the Beijing–Shanghai railway on Fri, undergoing final tests on 28 major functions, including tractability, braking, network communication and aerodynamic performance, before official operation on July 1.




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AI beats human doctors in neuroimaging recognition contest

BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhua) -- An artificial intelligence (AI) system scored 2:0 against elite human physicians Saturday in two rounds of competitions in diagnosing brain tumors and predicting hematoma expansion in Beijing.

The BioMind AI system, developed by the Artificial Intelligence Research Centre for Neurological Disorders at the Beijing Tiantan Hospital and a research team from the Capital Medical University, made correct diagnoses in 87 percent of 225 cases in about 15 minutes, while a team of 15 senior doctors only achieved 66-percent accuracy.

The AI also gave correct predictions in 83 percent of brain hematoma expansion cases, outperforming the 63-percent accuracy among a group of physicians from renowned hospitals across the country.

The outcomes for human physicians were quite normal and even better than the average accuracy in ordinary hospitals, said Gao Peiyi, head of the radiology department at Tiantan Hospital, a leading institution on neurology and neurosurgery.

To train the AI, developers fed it tens of thousands of images of nervous system-related diseases that the Tiantan Hospital has archived over the past 10 years, making it capable of diagnosing common neurological diseases such as meningioma and glioma with an accuracy rate of over 90 percent, comparable to that of a senior doctor.

All the cases were real and contributed by the hospital, but never used as training material for the AI, according to the organizer.

Wang Yongjun, executive vice president of the Tiantan Hospital, said that he personally did not care very much about who won, because the contest was never intended to pit humans against technology but to help doctors learn and improve through interactions with technology.

"I hope through this competition, doctors can experience the power of artificial intelligence. This is especially so for some doctors who are skeptical about artificial intelligence. I hope they can further understand AI and eliminate their fears toward it," said Wang.

Dr. Lin Yi who participated and lost in the second round, said that she welcomes AI, as it is not a threat but a "friend."

AI will not only reduce the workload but also push doctors to keep learning and improve their skills, said Lin.

Bian Xiuwu, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Science and a member of the competition's jury, said there has never been an absolute standard correct answer in diagnosing developing diseases, and the AI would only serve as an assistant to doctors in giving preliminary results.

Dr. Paul Parizel, former president of the European Society of Radiology and another member of the jury, also agreed that AI will not replace doctors, but will instead function similar to how GPS does for drivers.

Dr. Gauden Galea, representative of the World Health Organization in China, said AI is an exciting tool for healthcare but still in the primitive stages.

Based on the size of its population and the huge volume of accessible digital medical data, China has a unique advantage in developing medical AI, according to Galea.

China has introduced a series of plans in developing AI applications in recent years.

In 2017, the State Council issued a development plan on the new generation of Artificial Intelligence and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also issued the "Three-Year Action Plan for Promoting the Development of a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence (2018-2020)."

The Action Plan proposed developing medical image-assisted diagnostic systems to support medicine in various fields.