News on China's scientific and technological development.


No health thread.
Anyway it is a "scientific" issue. 16,000 dead pigs and not an answer as to why.

If you want to classify that as scientific issue, it does not compare with H7N9 chicken disease in closeness and if you dump all health and environmental issues reports here, it becomes a ecological thread and way off topic from China's scientific and technological development. If this is an ecological thread, then it is an emplacement for those pig and chicken as well as scientific and technological reports but it is not. This thread is for China's R & D in science and technology like Popular Science, Scientific American and Gizmag. Let's keep it that way. Take a look at Escobar's postings here to get the idea.

The "science" of 16,000 dead pigs is not yet the kind science defined here. It is a pollution issue, at best a science of dumping. Come back with the reasons behind the death when it is found.
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China just surpassed the US in semiconductor manufacturing—and the trend is likely to accelerate
By Christopher Mims

April 9, 2013

For the first time since the depths of the Great Recession, the the total value of materials consumed by all the world’s makers of microchips was down—2%, to $47.11 billion. But that’s just one of the stories told by data from the annual tabulation of the total value of materials consumed by all the world’s makers of microchips, compiled by industry association SEMI.

Assembling data from SEMI’s last four annual reports—which together cover the past 5 years, a number of trends are apparent.

China is now a bigger consumer of the raw materials used for making microchips than North America is.

This is a huge change from 2008, when China consumed only $3.57 billion of silicon ingots and the other materials used for semiconductor manufacture, compared to $4.99 billion consumed by North America. This means that the number and productivity of plants for making microchips—which are high-investment, high-tech, finished product type manufacturing operations requiring a high level of expertise—are expanding in China even as they decline in North America. Compared to 2008, consumption of semiconductor materials in North America is down $250 million to $4.74 billion, while in China consumption has shot up 42% to $5.07 billion.

The decline of the PC is probably to blame for the overall drop in consumption of microchip materials in 2012.

In 2012, manufacturers shipped record numbers of mobile devices. Demand for set-top boxes and embedded systems (e.g. industrial control systems and the computers that go into cars) remained soft on account of a troubled global economy, but to see a drop in semiconductors shipped in the absence of an outright recession suggests that what’s really going on here is the decline of the PC—and the expensive, materials-hungry processors and memory it incorporates.

Production of microchips in Japan is declining rapidly.

What a difference five years makes. Japan, in 2008 the world’s most rapacious consumer of semiconductor materials, has seen production crash, especially in the 2011-2012 period—down 8% to $8.35 billion. Compare that with nearly $10 billion in 2008.

The harder it is to make microchips, the more consolidation there is in the hands of fewer manufacturers.

From 2011 to 2012, consumption of microchip precursor materials was flat or down in every region except for China and Taiwan. Taiwan has come to dominate this industry, with contract manufacturers like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company churning out chips for countless chip design companies that do not own their own manufacturing facilities—including mobile and telecommunications giants like Qualcomm and now, Apple.

What’s going on here is that, as we approach the end of Moore’s Law—which says, essentially, that we can expect microchips to improve at a rapid clip on a predictable timetable—we are reaching the physical limits of current manufacturing. That means factories are more expensive than ever, with price tags into the billions for a single facility. If a manufacturer wants the latest and fastest chip technology, there are only a few companies that can play at that level, and you can count them on one hand: TSMC in Taiwan, Intel and Global Foundries in North America, and Samsung in South Korea.

Consumption of microchips in China is exploding—and more and more of them are being sourced locally.

In 2012, China consumed 33% of the world’s integrated circuits (i.e. microchips) while the US consumed only 13.5%. Much of that, of course, is incorporated into products that will ultimately be exported—like iPhones. China’s share of world microchip consumption came to $137.5 billion in 2012, according to SEMI China. Meanwhile, the total value of microchips produced in China was only $28.5 billion. Closing that gap are companies like Semiconductor Manufacturing International (SMIC), Shanghai Huali Microelectronics (HLMC), Shanghai HuaHong NEC Electronics Company (HHNEC), Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing and Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing (ASMC).

In the long run, the general emphasis on electronics manufacturing in China, along with this gap between production and demand, indicates that China is, as usual, the sleeping giant in this field. While mainland China’s production of microchips lags behind most other regions, in 2012 it saw the biggest percentage growth in consumption of microchip materials and matched the absolute value of growth in Taiwan, the only other region that saw growth last year.

Here’s the thing about microchips: China’s government views them, rightly, as an important strategic asset. It’s a stretch to compare them to, say, oil, but they are clearly very important in our increasingly connected world. It’s hard to imagine a future in which they are any less important an economic enabler than they are now. So the overall trend in where they are manufactured has implications for everything from national defense to overall competitiveness in high tech.

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IBM in Talks to Sell Part of Its Server Unit to Lenovo

International Business Machines Corp. IBM -8.28% is looking to part ways with the servers that have powered much of the Internet.

The company is in advanced discussions to sell its so-called x86 server business to China's Lenovo Group Ltd., 0992.HK +9.46% people familiar with the matter said.

An exact sale price wasn't known, but one of the people said a deal, if one is struck, could be worth billions of dollars.

IBM doesn't break out server revenue, but Morgan Stanley estimates the x86 server business generated about $4.9 billion of the company's $15.4 billion in server sales last year.

News of the talks surfaced as IBM reported a disappointing quarter, with particularly weak hardware sales. IBM's shares dropped 4.9% in after-hours trading on Thursday.

Lenovo said in a separate statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange that it is in preliminary negotiations with a "third party in connection with a potential acquisition." But it said it had not reached any agreements.

As when IBM announced plans to sell its personal computer business in 2004—also to Lenovo—a sale would signal a sea change in the computing market.

The x86 servers were once a fast-growing and lucrative technology that lifted sales at companies like Hewlett-Packard Co. HPQ -3.22% and Dell Inc., DELL -3.94% which still rely on them for billions of dollars in sales.

IBM, having struggled to compete with those companies, now may stop selling a product that produces the server market's highest volumes but lowest profit, according to industry analysts.

In 2012, IBM was the No. 3 player in the low-end server market after H-P and Dell, according to technology research firm Gartner. IBM ended the year with 15% of the market by revenue, down from 16.4% in 2011, according to Gartner. Meanwhile, H-P's share fell to 32.4% from 35%, and Dell's slipped to 21.4% from 21.8%.

Dell said it has seen strong growth in x86 servers. A spokesman for H-P declined to comment.

It wasn't clear how advanced IBM's talks with Lenovo were or whether a deal would materialize. Technology trade publication CRN reported the talks earlier Thursday.

IBM has a history of aggressively shifting its business mix to areas with better growth and higher profit margins. The company shocked the technology industry when it agreed to sell off its PC business to Lenovo before personal computers had been largely commoditized. IBM then beefed up its operations in higher margin software and consulting businesses.

A sale of the low-end part of the server business would fit this pattern, as new Chief Executive Virginia "Ginni" Rometty looks for ways to expand the company's revenue and earnings. A divestiture of the x86 business would mark Ms. Rometty's first major asset sale since taking over the top job a year ago.

IBM is likely to hold on to the higher end parts of its server business where it can generate a competitive advantage. IBM invests billions of dollars in research and development to help fuel the development of its mainframe computer business, where it remains the industry's dominant player. The company makes the computer chips, operating system and much of the infrastructure software that powers those machines.

The acquisition marks a significant shift in strategy for Lenovo as the Chinese company has primarily focused on PCs. Nonetheless, it has taken some steps to boost its server business. In an agreement last summer, Lenovo began cooperation with U.S. data-storage provider EMC Corp. EMC -3.76% to jointly develop and sell servers and network storage, a move broadly seen as a play by Lenovo to boost a still nascent business for the company.

Lenovo Chief Executive Yang Yuanqing said at the time the company is first targeting the China market before going abroad, and it is the company's goal to become the country's biggest provider of servers. Lenovo is a small but fast-growing player in the low end server market. Last year, the company saw more than $360 million in worldwide x86 server sales, up from about $154 million in 2010, according to tech research firm Gartner.

News of a possible sale came as IBM ran into trouble in the first quarter of 2013. The company said its profit fell 1% to $3.03 billion as its revenue dropped 5% to $23.41 billion.

The computer hardware business was a particular area of weakness. Total revenue for hardware systems declined 13% in the first quarter, and the business reported a pretax loss of $405 million. While sales of mainframes rose 7%, sales of IBM's x86 products—"System x"—fell 9%.

The market for x86 servers, named for the chip design used by Intel Corp. INTC +0.90% and Advanced Micro Devices Inc., AMD -1.59% grew quickly in the 1990s as the Internet took off. But technologies like "virtualization" let users squeeze more power out of fewer machines.

Moreover, some high-growth Internet companies like Google Inc., GOOG +4.43% which in the past would typically have purchased large numbers of x86 servers to power websites, now make their own, hurting the growth potential of the market.

Write to Spencer E. Ante at [email protected] and Sharon Terlep at [email protected]

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Junior Member
The "science" of 16,000 dead pigs is not yet the kind science defined here. It is a pollution issue, at best a science of dumping. Come back with the reasons behind the death when it is found.

That is the point. Where is the research by the Government Scientists in to the dead animals? The pollution issue is the effect & not the cause. I would be happy to see any links from the Chinese media from any members here discussing what actions are being taken to identify the cause.
This really questions the ability of the Gov. Scientists to be transparent to the public.


That is the point. Where is the research by the Government Scientists in to the dead animals? The pollution issue is the effect & not the cause. I would be happy to see any links from the Chinese media from any members here discussing what actions are being taken to identify the cause.
This really questions the ability of the Gov. Scientists to be transparent to the public.

I take it you want to to know the cause of death, well scientists don't handle these autopsies, veterinarians handle autopsies for animals. I really don't see how scientists have anything to do with dead pigs.


That is the point. Where is the research by the Government Scientists in to the dead animals? The pollution issue is the effect & not the cause. I would be happy to see any links from the Chinese media from any members here discussing what actions are being taken to identify the cause.
This really questions the ability of the Gov. Scientists to be transparent to the public.

When you find the link to cause, post it here. In the meantime, leave the pollution effects of human activities out of this thread and they are intentional, not even some by products of life, which are not welcome here too. We are not interested in the effect of bad human behavior here. If there are processes that can take care of pollution, then those are scientific and technological developments worth posting. This thread is about China's achievements that we can be proud of and inform fellow readers so that they can gloat over. I suggest you start a thread on "China life" and these reports there.


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With its strong economy, the country wants to play a bigger role on the world science stage. Sixteen (since expanded to eighteen)science and technology projects will receive big infrastructure investments in China, the country’s State Council announced on 23 February. The competitively selected upgrades and new facilities focus on such topics as energy, nuclear waste, materials science, ocean surveys, and astroparticle physics.

The projects are part of China’s “mid- to long-term perspectives for the development of major national infrastructures in science and technology” stretching out to 2030. Through the end of the current five-year planning period in 2015, the total investment is expected to be about CNY19 billion (about $3 billion), more than three times the amount in the previous five-year plan. Individual facilities will get up to CNY2 billion. The construction money comes from the National Development and Reform Commission. Ongoing research is covered by other sources, says Lu Yu, a senior scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Physics, so the new large projects do not threaten funding for laboratory-scale science.

Zhen Cao, the chief scientist for a new cosmic-ray observatory that made the cut, says that with the economy strong, “people are thinking this is the time for China to take responsibility for the development of basic science and technology.” The US and Europe, he notes, are both home to many large scientific experiments. “China is making major contributions to science too,” he says. “That is why China thinks we should have this concrete plan to build and grow as many big facilities as possible.”

Among the 16 selected projects, some are ready to go forward pending various permits, but others will be put up for bid. That’s the case, for example, for a user facility to study materials under extreme conditions. Proposals for such projects are due soon, and decisions are likely before the end of the year, says Yu.

Pure science

The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), the cosmic-ray observatory that Cao heads, is to be built at 4300 meters in Shangrila, Yunnan Province, in the southwest corner of China. Combining five detector types at high altitude is what makes LHAASO unique, says Cao. For cosmic-ray particles with energies above 1015 eV, the existing data are “chaotic,” he says. “We have to build many types of detectors to collect information about the air showers.” The aim, he says, is “to identify the violent processes that produce the particles. We want to find the sources of cosmic rays.”

One of the LHAASO detectors will be a large pool of water, lined with 3600 phototubes to observe the Cherenkov radiation produced by impinging particles from the air showers caused by cosmic rays. “We will measure the timing and how many particles there are,” Cao says. An array of 6000 scintillators over a circle about 1.2 kilometers in diameter will measure the energy and intensity of incident cosmic rays. The third detector will be an array of bags of pure water with phototubes buried about 3 meters underground to watch for muons. Because the detectors are underground, says Cao, electrons and photons are excluded. In practice, he explains, “you are looking for the [gamma-ray] showers without muons.” Finally, the LHAASO will have 24 UV telescopes to look for fluorescent light and Cherenkov radiation produced in air showers and 400 burst detectors—scintillators on the surface that are shielded by lead so that they record only the most energetic particles.

Cao hopes construction can begin in two years. “We need to get permission to use the land, and then we face an environmental review,” he says. Once ground is broken, it will take about four years to build the facility, which is expected to cost about CNY1 billion. Although a mainly Chinese project, scientists from France and Russia are working on aspects of the detectors.

The China Antarctic Observatory also got the nod. Two large telescopes will be added to a site on Dome A in Antarctica where China already has a small presence. (For more on Antarctic telescopes, see the Quick Study on page 60.) One is a 2.5-meter optical-IR telescope to study dark matter and dark energy and to search for exoplanets; it will be perched on a 14.5-meter-high tower to lift it above the turbulence layer. The other is a 5-meter submillimeter telescope to study star and galaxy formation.

Aside from those two astrophysics projects, most of the megafacilities are a mix of basic and applied science or tend more to applications.

Pushing extremes

Hong Ding, chief scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, is working to bring the extreme conditions project to the Beijing suburb of Huairou; word has it that another team may submit a competing proposal. Ding envisions the Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF) boasting some 20 different instruments that can operate at low temperatures (below 1 mK), high pressures (approaching 300 gigabar), high magnetic fields (32 tesla), and ultrashort laser pulses (200 attoseconds). “We want to push to extremes to achieve world records, to do world-leading research,” says Ding. He and his colleagues will submit their proposal for SECUF in the coming weeks.

Ding notes that China is not strong in building instrumentation. “We mostly buy commercial products.” But because off-the-shelf products are not available for the proposed extreme conditions, Ding says, “we hope to help China develop and commercialize instrumentation. That is one of our goals.” The suite of instruments would include systems for large-volume high-pressure materials synthesis, time-resolved transmission electron microscopy, high-field scanning tunneling microscopy, refrigeration by nuclear demagnetization, and a laser-wakefield-driven x-ray source.

Zuyu Zhao, who heads the ultralow temperature department at the Massachusetts-based Janis Research, sees increasing interest in low-temperature physics and cryogenic technologies among scientists in China. A seminar he gave in 2007 at Tsinghua University in Beijing drew few attendees, he says, “and even fewer really understood what I was talking about.” Just four years later, in 2011, Zhao gave another seminar on ultralow-temperature physics in Beijing. That time, he says, “half the audience was in the corridor. The situation has changed completely.” Ding agrees: The driving force behind SECUF, he says, is a growing demand by scientists.

Ding and others’ longer-term dream for Huairou is to collocate an array of facilities there. The Beijing Advanced Science and Innovation Center, or BASIC, would bring together SECUF, the future Beijing synchrotron light source, the Earth simulation computing facility, and perhaps other infrastructures. Huairou is also near the new site of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which would give BASIC researchers access to students and students access to the center’s facilities. issues and events。

Science and technology infrastructure gets the nod in China’s 12th five-year plan: Mid- to long-term projects ranked by priority:

1. Ocean-floor scientific survey network
2. High-energy synchrotron test facility
3. Accelerator-driven subcritical reactor research facility
4. Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility
5. High-flux heavy ion accelerator
6. High-efficiency, low-carbon gas turbine testing facility
7. Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory
8. Future network experimental facility
9. Outer-space environment simulating facility
10. Translational medicine research facility
11. China Antarctic Observatory
12. Precision gravity measurement research facility
13. Large-scale low-speed wind tunnel
14. Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility Phase-II Beamline Project
15. Model animal phenotype and heredity research facility
16. Earth system digital simulator


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Pandas have long been the face of conservation efforts by environmental activists, but a recent finding may boost even further the need for pandas to evade extinction. Researchers have discovered a powerful antibody in panda blood that could serve as the next frontier in the fight against increasingly prevalent superbugs.

The compound is called cathelicin-AM. Discovered when researchers analyzed the creatures' DNA, it has been found to kill fungus and bacteria. It is believed that the antibiotic is released to protect the animal from infections in the wild and, in studies, it has been found to kill both standard and drug-resistant strains of microbes and fungi. The compound also worked extremely quickly, killing off strains of bacteria in just an hour, while conventional antibiotics needed six.
"Gene-encoded antimicrobial peptides play an important role in innate immunity against noxious microorganisms," lead researcher Dr. Xiuwen Yen, from the Life Sciences College of Nanjing Agricultural University, in China said to the Telegraph. "They cause much less drug resistance of microbes than conventional antibiotics."
Fortunately, scientists do not need to rely on pandas' famously low ability to breed in order to boost their numbers. Researchers have been able to create a synthetic version of the material in the laboratory, decoding the genes in order to create a small molecule known as a peptide.
That is good news because there is believed to be only about 1,600 pandas in the world right now. Pandas are notoriously bad at breeding, even in the wild, in part because females only are fertile once per year. Millions of dollars have been poured into artificial breeding techniques, to little avail. The limited success has caused many to wonder if the money could be better spent on other, potentially more successful conservation efforts.
Researchers hope that their synthetic version can be deployed as an antibiotic or as a surface sanitizer. They believe that the panda genome may store other drugs as well. Pandas are not the only animals that may serve as a new antibiotic: antimicrobial properties have been found in snail mucus and amphibians as well.

Not exactly 'news', but...