JH-7/JH-7A/JH-7B Thread


Banned Idiot
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

This is a google translation from SDF of some article. Does it have any validity?

Recently, the new feibao 3 has been test flight success! And had been formed within the military code DDK-03. The reason was known as the "new Feibao", because of its aerodynamic shape, as well as its internal systems are brand new! Although the original Flying Leopard "body bone" deductible, but in order to meet the new engine, fuselage therefore had no choice but to enlarge! Because of the new engine into the gas and units than the original engine thrust increase of nearly 75%, so the new feibao 3 not simple in use and enlarge the original Flying Leopard body! (New engine than the original "劳思Rice" engine diameter, but also short!) Therefore, the original researchers of the aerodynamic shape of the internal body structure and carried out a bold improvement! The workload of the complex, in no way inferior to re-design a new aircraft!
After researchers in the hard work, unfolded before our eyes "Feibao 3" has "completely" performance! "The new feibao 3" fuselage with a new type of material in this application is only J-10, so the aircraft body weight than before light many! Strength and body structure is the original several times! Because of the "new feibao 3," the increased air refueling equipment, so its combat radius of the many than before! New equipment in the army of several new combat aircraft in combat radius of absolute one! Because of the "new feibao 3" body internal space than before spacious many, I have a lot of new systems and new equipment! Making the "new feibao 3" enhance the combat effectiveness of a lot, at least the original machine five times! (This would not be too much to say that!) New equipment domestic multi-mode synthetic aperture phased array radar is the most complex domestic equipment most advanced combat efficiency of the highest, which already exceeds the active duty several "imported goods"! Because of the "new feibao 3" on its own internal body equipped with a multi-purpose reconnaissance detection equipment, as well as multifunction jamming equipment, but also a host of other advanced equipment were nine high-speed computer and a length of more than XXX meters, as well as new high-speed fiber optic transmission many of the "sensors" and other equipment integrated together to form a "perfect" as a whole. So the "new feibao 3" is currently playing to the "extreme" a perfect works! -- Its combat potential can not be overlooked! ! ! (No wonder its related research personnel mentioned in the introduction of our military Su 30 MKK2 and MKK3, used the words "so-so" to describe Peter aircraft!)

It is learned that the recently about six "new feibao 3" equipment in the Hainan Island naval air force bases for a large number of adaptive equipment before final experimental flight! I believe in the near future there will be a lot of "new feibao 3" equipment Naval Air Force and the Air Force special operations

Looking feibao -3 overtake Su -34

To ensure against "Flying Leopard A" lack of a new feibao thirds of the research task. In order to ensure "Flying Leopard III", the success of China and Russia (including part of Ukraine agencies) After years of hard negotiations, the highest in the Russian leadership's intervention, and reached a joint development of the "Flying Leopard III" cooperation agreement.

"Feibao III" is in order to complete the Air Force to offensive-defensive needs, in order to make up for the lack of Chinese Air Force long-range strike capability, the lack of new bombers, the lack of tanker and a lack of overseas air bases, and other weak links, and has made a long-range bombing capability has the self-defense capability of long-range sea-double on the multi-purpose heavy fighter-bombers (not strategic bombers, can only be light tactical bomber).

In Rafah China jointly develop Russian SU-34, China against Russia's Sukhoi economic difficulties, in urgent need of China's SU-27 and SU-30 and other aircraft orders and new project development costs, and other special circumstances, the proposed joint development of "Flying Leopard III "program, China's major commitment to research and development costs, but" Flying Leopard III "intellectual property belongs to China (not to SU-27 and SU-30 authorized assembly). "Feibao III" than the SU-30 and SU-34 greater range, greater load of bombs, but also has the ability inside the aircraft carrying missiles, stealth penetration ability and more than two times supersonic cruise capability.

Performance Overtake Britain and the United States rush

From weapons configuration, "Feibao 3A" short-range self-defense weapons systems for a heavy 110 kilograms of 6-23-six 23 mm modified "Raytheon" cannon, the largest as soon as 6000, / min. But other models of individual special "Flying Leopard 3" does not require Gun, but they can retrofit machines under single-tube 30 mm or double-barreled 23 mm caliber Gun Pod. "The new feibao 3" with a total of 15 pylons, compared feibao the nine pieces have significantly enhanced. This is only in the United States F-15K the world's second possession a total of 15 pylons for the aircraft. Therefore, the weapons of choice in addition to the types of use of AM-39, C-601/611, C -801/802, the new C-803 supersonic anti-ship missiles, but also with Russia's KH - 65SE subsonic cruise missiles, , as well as KH-31A (AS-17) supersonic anti-ship missiles, KH - 31P supersonic anti-radiation missile and a more advanced KH-41 supersonic anti-ship missile. Modern 2-destroyer of the three M90 Series modified anti-ship missile can also mount to the "Flying Leopard 3" use. Other applicable short and medium-range ground attack weapons also include active duty and in the development of the traditional domestic and foreign bombs, laser-guided bombs, air defense weapons and other outsiders projection. It can be equipped with the guidance of the body through the replacement of the "plug-in modules" to facilitate resolved, or at least including the use of low-altitude navigation pod, digital ago as infrared / laser targeting pod combination means to resolve.

From fire-control systems, the current world advanced warplanes have adopted all-digital autopilot and four Redundancy fly-by-wire system; The system uses redundancy technology and the central microprocessor, like the U.S. military MIL-STD - 1750 A software directive control. With more than four homemade fly-by-wire system of the application; obviously enhanced system reliability.

On request, the "new feibao 3" glass cockpit achieved within the cabin of a three-under standard configuration, and the F-10 at the same level. Two seats are equipped with wide-angle HUD domestic and three-color high-brightness displays and printed-sight helmets. The displays are able to multi-channel video subsystem composite records be surveillance, "Feibao" head-up display with Autopilot crosslinking, even if the aircraft changed direction, and line-of-sight still stable pressure in the goals. In addition, it is still used with continuous calculation, calculation hit consecutive points, and other functions, and to install a set of angular velocity bombing system to enhance the free-fall weapons accuracy rate. The newly amended yaw angle sensor that can fire control system sideslip angle on the impact of weapons, but also precision weapons for navigation calculated wind speed, wind direction purposes. In order to play "Feibao 3" the greatest power on board the installation of a modified "sea Overlord - B1" Airborne - dedicated high-speed data exchange information chain, with a new fiber optic cable inside the aircraft for signal analysis and processing high-speed computers and multi - precision guided mode detection system module, the "new feibao 3" become China's first domestically produced a dedicated high-speed data link operational aircraft. So the "new feibao 3" with the detection of a boot, and command-plus feibao 3 to meet the enemy's combat capability.

From the appearance of view, China's "new feibao 3" to switch to a new design with the middle-sweep of the front flap on单翼. Furthermore, in order to improve performance and strengthen the stealth aerodynamic shape, "New feibao 3" using the "S" - shaped inlet and the inlet new nano-absorbing paint spraying to reduce radar reflection aircraft positive cross-sectional area and infrared signal features, and have adopted the wing-body fusion technology, all of the application of new composite materials increased significantly. Late will "Feibao 3" and external "rigid" refueling equipment containing a telescopic improve "soft" refueling equipment, in order to further strengthen the stealth of the unit. Therefore, the "New feibao 3" is the first of China's use of computer-aided design that form a semi-stealth fighter.

From stealth performance, due to the "new feibao 3A" the use of a newly developed radar absorbing coatings, makes aircraft was detected by probability greatly reduced. In addition, the upgraded models of the late "Feibao 3 B / C" will increase the utilization of new composite materials, the fuselage and cabin cover sleek combination of the cockpit covered brink of arms and weapons built-in door edge and other places, the use of serrated combine lines, can be effective in reducing the radar wave reflection. Improvement of the latter part of the "Flying Leopard 3 B / C" will be the vertical tail wing tilt into the design. Because airborne weapons used contained, half-buried and pylons balanced way, about 80 percent of the aircraft stealth effect will rely on appearance to decide, and the remaining part of the stealth effect will need new radar absorbing material (RAM), radar absorbing structure (RAX), and other methods to solve achieve. After circular nozzle will be replaced by the newly developed three-dimensional vector nozzle stealth replaced by, in order to further reduce the IR characteristics. Due to the expected effective stealth measures, the latter part of the upgraded models of the "new feibao 3-D" radar cross-section (RCS) will be not more than 0.00 X square meters.

you miss something, the translation also stated the aircraft adapted "blend-on-wing"design,similiar to F-16/mig-29.
since there's no picture appear,surely this is not JH-7A.or the designer use J-11 airframe .to date the only aircraft big enough of carrying 15 weapon phylon was J-11.also the aircraft also adapted blend on wing concept .


Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

The features and claimed performance make it sound like a spin off of the JXX project, but the timeline is all wrong. Sounds like either someone's wet dream or misinformation.


Junior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

I look for article abot JH-7a radar capabilities, I read in CDF, they plan to equip J-11B-Shuan with this radar. thx


VIP Professional
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

I look for article abot JH-7a radar capabilities, I read in CDF, they plan to equip J-11B-Shuan with this radar. thx

From what I believe, they subjected the radars to competition. As I told you before, there are different companies within China alone that makes radars. It does not appear that the ones making the JH-7A's radar won the contract. It looks like the ones that made for the J-10 and J-8F did.


Junior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Is any article about the story of development JH-7/A series? thx
Is NRIET which design JH-7A radar?


VIP Professional
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Sorry to say, no one has written any stories about Chinese radar development. Perhaps someone will do that in the future.

NRIET (Lab 14) does not do JH-7A's radar. It is LETRI, which also did for the J-7E and J-8II. NRIET does for J-10, J-8F and J-11B.


Banned Idiot
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Is Letri same with Luo Yang whom develop the HMS from Arsenel?

Loyang optic developed HMS.
NRIET is based on nanjing,while LETRI is based on Suzhou.
aside from radar, they also undertake system integration and sensor.
according to Russian, the firm currently developing AESA.


Banned Idiot
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

discription of "flying leopard-3" may be pointed at J-11 variant- the J-11BK version .
retratable mid air refueling probe,semi submerge phylon,15 phylon ,blend on wing design (SU-27 /j-11 incorporate blend on wing design).


Junior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Is JH-7/A piloot equipped with NVG for the night ops? Any intervew from pilot?