J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VI

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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator

So here again in picture #4 we have a very healthy amount of forward stick, from the vortices we appear to be in a steady state inverted decent, possibly he's "pushing the stick" in order to "break" the decent, or possibly just to arrest the nose from "falling through", anyway, very fun flying...

In picture five we see some very heavy "left rudder" likely to hasten the roll to the left, note the left elavon deflected upward......

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Old pilot comrade given a guided tour...

Old pilot comrade given a guided tour...

and this is one of the best "fighter pilot" pictures we have ever seen from China, it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is an "elite" fighter pilot culture growing, as China begins to move into the new Century in earnest, with the J-20 and J-35.

This is a beautiful candid, there's no way you can stage this type of photo! of you can, but it would look "staged", these gents are sharing something that few in China will ever know or experience.

Being around China's first indigenous 4th/5th Gen has to make you smile......
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