ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)

fights in
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have been going on for two days and nights (now saw videos from fights during the day yesterday, and from tonight) now, so I wouldn't be surprised if Kurds pulled reinforcements from the area around the Euphrates (would be more to the left in the map below) to fix the territories (full of Iranians and Lebanese) shown in red:


The Capitalist
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... and before I'll look what's going on the ground, here's what's happened in the air (I noticed as breaking news at
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): Coalition jets scrambled to defend U.S. forces from Syrian bombing

source is Reuters:
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but first I'll repeat myself:

and obviously, there're more dogs than two: just this months, Rebels Attack Government, which then bombs Kurds
who have successfully fought ISIL
with the help of the West, so West (this post begins)
and ISIL ...

What a dreadful coincidence. An area that has been largely calm and peaceful throughout the troubles suddenly goes so pear shaped that the Syrian Airforce is called in to bomb Kurdish Police Command and Control centers at the very time that US Special Forces happen to be in the targets immediate vicinity!
What a dreadful coincidence. An area that has been largely calm and peaceful throughout the troubles suddenly goes so pear shaped that the Syrian Airforce is called in to bomb Kurdish Police Command and Control centers at the very time that US Special Forces happen to be in the targets immediate vicinity!
LOL why don't you post
Army General Command: Provocations by Asayish took more dangerous turn, which required suitable response from Syrian Army
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The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said that the Asayish, the military wing of the Kurdistan Workers Party, has recently escalated its provocative actions in Hasaka city, attacking state establishments, stealing oil and cotton, disrupting examinations, carrying out abductions, and causing a state of chaos and instability.

In a statement on Friday, the General Command said that these actions took a more dangerous turn as the Asayish encircled Hasaka city, shelled it with artillery and tanks, and targeted Syrian Arab Army positions in it, claiming the lives of a number of military personnel and civilians.

The General Command said that the Asayish did not respond to all the attempts that were made to contain the situation and restore security and stability to the city; instead they persisted in carrying out their crimes in a bid to seize control of the city, which required the a suitable response by Syrian Arab Army as it targeted the sources of artillery fire and the gatherings of armed elements responsible for these criminal actions.

The statement clarified that the recurring attacks on citizens and the Syrian Arab Army are carried out exclusively by the Asayish and are not related to any specific Syrian component, affirming at the same time that it will respond to any such attack by any side and exert efforts to prevent the situation from escalating in order to preserve Syria’s territorial integrity and the safety of Syrian citizens.


The Capitalist
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LOL why don't you post
Army General Command: Provocations by Asayish took more dangerous turn, which required suitable response from Syrian Army
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Because I am actually more interested in the Government counter offensive in Aleppo where the SAA are reporting that they have taken enough strategic territory to cut the Rebel supply route (along M5 presumably)

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Because I am actually more interested in
no diversion? :)

the Government counter offensive in Aleppo where the SAA are reporting
yeah Syrian Army cuts main rebel supply route to southern Aleppo
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that they have taken enough strategic territory to cut the Rebel supply route (along M5 presumably)

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I looked at this in the morning, and in fact it would be
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connection, the hill reportedly captured close to the sewage plant visible below ("M5" is in top-left corner):


Lieutenant General
What a dreadful coincidence. An area that has been largely calm and peaceful throughout the troubles suddenly goes so pear shaped that the Syrian Airforce is called in to bomb Kurdish Police Command and Control centers at the very time that US Special Forces happen to be in the targets immediate vicinity!

I wonder how many international laws would have been broken if US jets attacked Syrian Air Force jets over Syrian territory to protect US special forces who are in Syrian territory, fighting against the wishes and interests of the sovereign government of Syria.

What 'Freedom' themed name does the Pentagon give to these kinds of illegal operations? :rolleyes:
according to what I saw in Twitter now, related to
Today at 9:12 AM
fights in
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have been going on for two days and nights
correction: fights have started there already four days ago
(now saw videos from fights during the day yesterday, and from tonight) now, so I wouldn't be surprised if Kurds pulled reinforcements from the area around the Euphrates (would be more to the left in the map below) to fix the territories (full of Iranians and Lebanese) shown in red:
situation is tense in
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so let's see if Kurds will wipe out the red stains:


so let's see if Kurds will wipe out the red stains:
Interesting thought. That might make Turkey think that Syria will be a valuable alley against Kurdish extremists. If those Kurds are successful thanks to US interference with the Syrian air force it might lead to the closure of Incirlik air base to USAF.
And what happens if Russian air defence protects the Syrian aircraft?
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The Capitalist
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I wonder how many international laws would have been broken if US jets attacked Syrian Air Force jets over Syrian territory to protect US special forces who are in Syrian territory, fighting against the wishes and interests of the sovereign government of Syria.

What 'Freedom' themed name does the Pentagon give to these kinds of illegal operations? :rolleyes:


I do however wonder if a message was not being delivered in this near miss as opposed to simply a statistically possibility?

I doubt if identifying the location of a US Special Forces/Special Advisors co-ordination team is a task within the abilities of Syria's domestic Sigint capabilities, so it would indicate the activities of a more "sophisticated" opponent.

Interesting to see if the next Kalibr strike against ISIS, fired from Iran or the Caspian follows a flight path close certain positions in this City?

I read however that US forces are reportedly being removed from the environs.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
... and before I'll look what's going on the ground, here's what's happened in the air (I noticed as breaking news at
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): Coalition jets scrambled to defend U.S. forces from Syrian bombing

source is Reuters:
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but first I'll repeat myself:

and obviously, there're more dogs than two: just this months, Rebels Attack Government, which then bombs Kurds
who have successfully fought ISIL
with the help of the West, so West (this post begins)
and ISIL ...

This is well "overdue" and the same principle should apply to all our interests everywhere, someone overtly threatens US personel, aircraft, or vessels, send the "wild ponies" out to meet them, or give them a ride home! and I do mean everywhere.

Back to TR's principles, shut up, speak only when necessary, and then back it up with the "Big Stick"!