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Why is xylazine even an animal tranquilizer? Does itnot have a same effect on other animal and mammals?
This is a case of a chemical having safe effects in extreme moderation, having extremely damaging effects from frequent use. Most medications and otherwise safe to use chemicals are like this.

Veterinarian usage of Xylazine on an individual animal is on average much less than once a year at the lowest dosage necessary. An addict is administering ever increasing amounts of Xylazine to themselves every 4-5 hours of every day to stop the effects of drug withdrawal.


Registered Member
Why is xylazine even an animal tranquilizer? Does itnot have a same effect on other animal and mammals?
This is a case of a chemical having safe effects in extreme moderation, having extremely damaging effects from frequent use. Most medications and otherwise safe to use chemicals are like this.

If by safe you mean certain animal species then sure. Since this drug was never approved for human usage and for good reason.

In humans, xylazine reduces pain and slows brain activity, causing a decrease in breathing rate, slows the heart rate, and lowers blood pressure in order to cause sedation and sleepiness.
Injecting xylazine can also cause damage to tissue around the injection site, which leads to skin damage, large sores and ulcers that may develop into complex infections.
There is no medication or antidote to reverse xylazine overdose. Naloxone is effective against any opioids contributing to overdose but is not effective against xylazine.

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Registered Member
If by safe you mean certain animal species then sure. Since this drug was never approved for human usage and for good reason.

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It seems that a long term plan to depopulate the USA is underway, what with this drug pandemic along with increasingly unsafe chemicals being injected with increasingly high chances of death. The fact China refuses to allow this evil to happen within China while the west (USA especially) does shows who are the real good guys and bad guys are here. The only reason that the USA manages to get viewed as the better of the two is due to the media that is happily allowing this genocide to happen.absolutely disgusting


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China will be better off without dioxin-contaminated corn from Ohio.

I didn't realize... that explains so much. Always wondered where people like
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came from.
Most racist people are actually those Viet banana still live in Vietnam. They use racial slur on every non white. Like call black people n*gga or needgas, call Indonesia people are Ind*g, etc. Maybe because those banana try to win the prize who is best in sucking white so in one of millions chance a white master will invite them to Western countries. So those banana will have chance to clean their white master toilet with happy tear on face. Or because those chicken warrior don't live near any 2 meters tall black person so they dont fear. Because im pretty sure any black person now how rotting those racist banana are will give those banana chance to restructure face and full mouth implants teeth.


Registered Member
Don't let the door hit you on the way out

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Italy to hold talks with China about exiting Belt and Road Initiative​

Prime minister Giorgia Meloni says ‘debate is open’ on whether to leave Xi Jinping’s foreign investment programme
Italy plans to hold talks with China about a potential exit from Beijing’s flagship infrastructure investment programme, while seeking to maintain friendly relations and robust commercial ties.
Meloni said on Wednesday that she had not yet decided whether to terminate Italy’s participation in the signature foreign policy programme of China’s president Xi Jinping. “The debate is open,” Meloni said in Prague.
But Italian officials say Meloni’s government would ideally like to find a way to extricate itself from the BRI — without provoking Beijing’s wrath, or being subjected to punishing retaliation.
“We want to maintain good relations with them and work to avoid problems escalating,” said one official, adding that Rome did not wish to “antagonise” China.
“Given the state of relations between the US and China, we cannot remain an ally of the US and at the same time remain in the BRI,” said Stefano Stefanini, Italy’s former ambassador to Nato. “We have to try to negotiate a peaceful — or [the] least damaging possible — exit with the Chinese.”


Registered Member
Except China would never prosper, because without a globally competitive high-tech manufacturing industry it would be stuck in the middle income trap. It is exactly what US wants, and any self-respecting nation would never accept this.

Well, this also means that it is now cheaper for US to physically exterminate holders of US debt through force than to pay it back. Expect more and more unhinged extremist behavior from US in the future.
Tbh the EU is kinda that and for the most part it has decent personal living standards. However, that is increasingly not the case because of US sacrificing their wellbeing without EU being able to resist.

This would hardly be an appropriate comparison. The average Asian(south east or west) immigrant is far more civilized, educated and less prone to violence than the average Anglo, the Anglo states prefer draining the intellectual base of other countries(educated with publicly funded tertiary education), which is why their continued dominance is a plague upon the world. Unless they are from countries they don't like China, in which case they prefer taking in useless trash like Liberal grifters or braindead cultists. They also lack any sort of numbers or common ideology to cause any change even when they are discontent.

I'm going to say something controversial, but I would rather state the obvious regardless of political views. The only real non Anglo demographic that can cause any change are the latinos, they are the only ones arriving in sufficient numbers with diverse enough of a background to cause any sort of upheaval.
I don't think Indians will cause armed uprising and unrest so much as infiltrate the hiring systems from within and turn US even more nepotistic and corrupt.

Ultimately these are band aid solutions meant to fix US' biggest problem, which is that while their geography was beneficial in WW2, the shoe is now on the other foot and China has a dominant geographical position in WW3.

Unlike US, China already has all the manpower it needs inside the country, without the need of herding uneducated, inefficient and jingoistic cats to provide extra "population". China is also linked to the centers of world trade while US lies far away from them.

Hence, such stopgap measures are a scramble for resources in order to even the playing field more.


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This week, Ecuador’s National Assembly
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to proceed with an impeachment trial against US-stooge President Lasso for allegedly embezzling public funds.

With a public approval rating of just under 14%, no legislative majority, law and order breaking down across the country, and protests and scandals erupting all over the place, Lasso has two stark options: either face the impeachment vote head on, or disband the National Assembly.

As another key US client state in South America begins to wobble, there is a distinct whiff of panic in the air. On March 1, 26 former heads of state and government from Latin America, Spain and Canada — all of them members of the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA), a Florida-headquartered non-profit —
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a statement issued by IDEA warning Ecuador’s opposition parties, social organizations and National Assembly against removing Lasso as President, describing his “untimely and unjustified replacement” as “not convenient”.