It's a netflix series 'Marco Polo', only 2 seasons before it was cannedWhat movie does the scene with the European guy come from?
It's a netflix series 'Marco Polo', only 2 seasons before it was cannedWhat movie does the scene with the European guy come from?
I am willing to wager Chinatown was there long before the Solomons switched from recognizing Taipei to Beijing.
Unless the PLA or the Chinese of today has forgotten it's military lineage, history, and even more recent history of conflict against what was then the overwhelming power in the world, the U.S. military, I don't buy your cavalier attitude or even dismissive tone against the PLA that it simply lacks the will or fighting spirit to fight against America. War is not a joke to be undertaken because no one can know for certain what the end game will look like. For all we know the U.S. may unleash Nukes when it's force are spent and depleted fearing that China or Russia may come and invade or even fire it's missiles against her, it'll simply do a preemptive nuclear strike rather than wait for it to be attacked. Then the logical consequence of that action simply follows which is the end of most people on this planet.Soon? You may be the one losing touch with reality...
Glad it was canceled though, had a lot of weird narratives like tough Mongolian warrior princess that fist-fights with other warriors deciding to sleep with Marco for... ??? I guess no reason apart from fan service for white men.It's a netflix series 'Marco Polo', only 2 seasons before it was canned
Good, Biden should not be trusted.Besides the headline, in summary it also said
This is a "good news" to people who believed that Biden's "leading/demand/request for cooperation" of China worth of something.
- China says it will release oil reserves according to its needs
Who's that beautiful lady on your avatar?Just a reminder that Reuters, AFP and AP can be biased despite appearing very objective.
Nah, They have not lost touched with reality but are slowly creating a new reality. That overhyped military still scare PLA...
It's from a Netflix show Marco PoloWhat movie does the scene with the European guy come from?
Marco Polo. It's a historical drama on NetflixWhat movie does the scene with the European guy come from?
You should ask the US troops in the Korean war when the US had REAL (not overhyped) military firepower and experience from WWII. As for PLA, if the real powerful US military then did not scare PLA, why should they be scared today by a military full of "I have two moms and I have two daddies"?Nah, They have not lost touched with reality but are slowly creating a new reality. That overhyped military still scare PLA...
Just one of my multiple and plentiful girlfriends.Who's that beautiful lady on your avatar?