American Economics Thread


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No plan in the US lasts 10 years with Democrats and Republicans at each other's throats. The timeline itself shows me the delusion.

18B a year for R&D and 30B a year for manufacturing? In American hands that blow up the bill for every little thing? I don't see the threat. This is all he could muster against China's present advantages and momentum? It looks all for show.

China needs no reaction to this; it is a poor reaction to China's success. China just needs to keep moving ahead as it always does. This is just a little noise on the side.

China's been walking the walk for decades, which is how it went from a country on India's level to one that can catch the US in a panic and make them scramble to put together a thing like this just to look mildly credible to whomever still wants to believe that the old lion can hold on to his reign.
Of course I am not sure that plan will actually plan the Congress as it is (expect some bribes to be hidden inside).

However I wouldn't say I am too worried for China as it is contantly makes progress on R&D and competitivenesss. The only issue is that Biden could manage to make the US comlettive again (depends on many variables)

In any case, I wouldn't count the US out as I think that competition with China might unite Democrats and Republicans temporarily. I would say though that if this plan doesn't pass then that means that US has conceded on competiting with China

Interesting times, we will see which country's political system produces better results..


Of course I am not sure that plan will actually plan the Congress as it is (expect some bribes to be hidden inside).

However I wouldn't say I am too worried for China as it is contantly makes progress on R&D and competitivenesss. The only issue is that Biden could manage to make the US comlettive again (depends on many variables)
America's decline in competitiveness is due, one, to China's meteoric rise, so in comparison, they are not the only show in town anymore, but also because of its cultural decay. Americans prefer to study non-STEM subjects and leave all the scientific heavy-lifting to foreigners (except doctors; Americans still like to become MDs for the money) and at the same time, they are driving away foreigners with xenophobia. There is nowhere that is more pronounced and in a group that is more scientifically-talented than in the Chinese that have come to or are considering coming to America. This is not an issue that money can fix.
In any case, I wouldn't count the US out as I think that competition with China might unite Democrats and Republicans temporarily.
They've always been "united on China" but biting at each other's necks at everything else. The latter part causes internal friction and makes America less smooth-operating and less competitive.
I would say though that if this plan doesn't pass then that means that US has conceded on competiting with China
It really might not pass because of the corporate taxes part but even if it doesn't, they're not conceding. They will find another way to flail and to make themselves look credible to the countries that America calls its allies.
Interesting times, we will see which country's political system produces better results..
I think with COVID and the election riots, we already see, that America's system only works when everything is smooth but not so well in panic-inducing back-to-the-wall challenges. It's just whether or not China can catch up or how long it takes to catch up overcoming America's decades-long lead with China's superior system, which actually holds itself together when the going gets tough.

I don't wanna get too childish here but it reminds me of the Pokemon games I played as a kid. Some attacks are awesome to use as openers and as long as the battle goes smoothly and you get to one-shot all your challengers, they are killer. But once your Pokemon starts taking damage and the battle becomes a real fight, they weaken, eventually becoming not worth using. If you use this strategy, you need to finish the fight quickly or everything will fall apart and you will lose. Players who excel at beating the computer (made to challenge small kids who aren't very smart) use this strategy to steamroll weak foes in the game but often find that they are unsuccessful when fighting peer-leveled gamers if they up Gameboys for a battle against a friend. The opposite strategy uses attacks that start with a modest base but as the battle rages on and your Pokemon take hits, the power increases every turn getting more and more vicious until you are one-shotting all the guys on the other team. Players who use this strategy will work a bit more in the game, but they can win real battles against other players. This battle between China and the US will undoubtedly get more and more heated.
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Very impressive plan. Spread over 10 years, and this will not be simple printing (again) but it will be covered by corporate taxes.

Also includes 180 billion dollars to R&D => trouble for China
And 300 billion dollars for manufacturing subsidies => trouble for China

If this is passed then the ball is on China's court. Xi said for so long that China want to speak to the US as an equal, so Biden is now taking the challenge directly.

Lets see if China instead in addition to talk the talk it can finally walk the walk

Not so fast!

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Surging U.S. manufacturers grow faster in March as key ISM index hits 38-year high​

The numbers: American manufacturers grew faster in March as a key index hit a 38-year high, pointing to gathering momentum in the U.S. economy.

The Institute for Supply Management said its manufacturing index jumped to 64.7% from 60.8% in the prior month. Readings over 50% indicate growth, and anything over 55% is considered exceptional.

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U.S. service economy surges in March as vaccinations rise and restrictions are lifted​

A survey of business leaders at service-oriented firms such as banks, retailers and restaurants jumped to 63.7% last month from 55.3% in February, the Institute for Supply Management said Monday.

That’s the highest level on record since the ISM began the survey in 1997.

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A quote from the same article.

"President Joe Biden’s proposed $2.3 trillion spending package unveiled March 31 should have come a day later, as an April Fool’s exercise."

Hmmm I didn’t think they would use an April fools joke like this to be a douchebag to the people like this. Clearly I was wrong so so many levels


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Why the infrastructure plan is bound to fail. The US itself is now the biggest clog for containers around the world, and this has caused shipping prices to rise dramatically, which in turn is leading to global inflation. If you think the Suez Canal blockage is bad, check out the sea congestion around US ports. Fixing and modernizing US ports is no doubt needed, but that will fail if you do not fix your aging highways that are buckling under the weight of trailers handling containers.



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A grand bargain: how the radical US corporate tax plan would work Washington’s bid to break OECD talks deadlock threatens to put tax havens out of business The Biden administration’s proposals would result in US-based companies paying more tax.

For decades the international corporate tax system has irritated almost everyone — apart from shareholders of the world’s largest multinationals and countries with low tax rates. As companies’ share of profits in the global economy has risen and wages have fallen, large countries have found it ever harder to tax those profits.

That could finally change under proposals outlined by Joe Biden’s US administration in a 21-page document sent to more than 100 countries on Thursday, which the FT obtained from multiple sources. The proposal seeks to break the deadlock in long-running global talks hosted by the OECD club of wealthy nations by proffering for the first time what would amount to a grand bargain.

Leading advanced economies would get the power to raise corporate tax from US tech giants and other large multinationals, and in return a global minimum corporate tax would be introduced, enabling the Biden administration to raise significant additional revenue from US-headquartered companies to finance its infrastructure programme. “We wish to end the race to the bottom over multinational corporate taxation and establish a tax architecture in which countries work together towards more equitable growth, innovation, and prosperity,” the document said.
I am very impressed with Biden. The man is a reformer and he clearly has his heart on the right place. Biden is actually what the Americans wanted for Obama to do when they elected him

Of course there is still severe political Republican opposition, however for now it seems that Biden is giving these FDR vibes and he has tremendous momentum behind him.

You can now see how fast the foreign establishment apparatus has changed track and it now wants to improve the US. We will see though if the oligarchs will allow them to do so.