Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Truly do not understand. Are they trying to kill people?? The ugliest national rivalry wouldn't see one country trying to deprive the patients of its rival country of medical supplies during a pandemic but the US government does this to its own people? Why would they take supplies away from hospitals during what is suggested to be the deadliest week of the pandemic for America??
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Hospitals say feds are seizing masks and other coronavirus supplies without a word

Although President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can, the federal government is quietly seizing orders, leaving medical providers across the country in the dark about where the material is going and how they can get what they need to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Officials who’ve had materials seized also say they’ve received no guidance from the government about how or if they will get access to the supplies they ordered.

In Florida, a large medical system saw an order for thermometers taken away. And officials at a system in Massachusetts were unable to determine where its order of masks went.

“Are they stockpiling this stuff? Are they distributing it? We don’t know,” one official said. “And are we going to ever get any of it back if we need supplies? It would be nice to know these things.”

“Everyone says you are supposed to be on your own,” Camacho said, noting Trump's repeated admonition that states and local health systems cannot rely on Washington for supplies. “Then to have this happen, you just sit there wondering what else you can do. You can’t fight the federal government.”
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Lieutenant General
Typical lawyer talk on useless stuff. Half of it is anti-china BS and the other half is based on domestic American law. This is could be a two sentence article. 1) China actually did an amazing job controlling the virus, and these guys are just trying to find a scapegoat for your poor preparation. 2) us law don't apply to international situations.

These days in the US, like Trump's handling of the coronavirus, the media has to add anti-China qualifiers in order to counter any accusations that they're shills for China like is being accused of the W.H.O. They want to report how Trump mishandled the coronavirus, they have to acknowledge China mishandled it too which really means nothing because the US saw the coronavirus coming before the first case showed up in the US. That's when the timer starts.


Registered Member
I miss the wet market. We used to be able to purchase live chicken and fish from wet market and slaughter ourselves. It was a lot more work but the meat are fresher, healthier and taste much better. In addition we have a better appreciation for the lives sacrificed to help feed us.

Fish are fine, since they don't have lungs that breathe air.
But remember chickens are potential pandemic carriers.

In 1997, the Hong Kong government had to slaughter all 1.3 million chickens in Hong Kong, in order to prevent a bird influenza virus from mutating and then spreading amongst humans.


Registered Member
Pardon my ignorance but it appears that the evidence you provided to support your previous statement seems to be contradict your assertion. You mentioned that "All epidemiological data still point China as the original location. The genomic variations still have the Chinese strains as the starting ones."

Yet the evidence you provided contradicts these assertion. Direct quotes from research paper states
1. we found that haplotypes H13 and H38 might be considered as ancestral haplotypes, and later H1 (whose descendants included all samples from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market) was derived from the intermediate haplotype H3.
2. Neither H13 nor H38 has samples from Wuhan (Hubei)

The paper is clear that H3 (Wuhan) came from H14, which was found all over China.

And that H14 has 2 possible ancestors (H15 or H31).
There are a number of H15 cases connected with Guangdong
But only a few H31 cases, which are connected with Fujian/USA

If we look at the previous SARS coronavirus, it definitely started from civet cats, which were widely traded in the wet markets of Guangdong.

So the evidence currently *suggests* that the Guangdong wet markets are where COVID-19 jumped from animals to humans.


Typical lawyer talk on useless stuff. Half of it is anti-china BS and the other half is based on domestic American law. This is could be a two sentence article. 1) China actually did an amazing job controlling the virus, and these guys are just trying to find a scapegoat for your poor preparation. 2) us law don't apply to international situations.

The point of such articles is to reinforce the anti-China rhetoric and make Americans believe their laws apply to the world.


Junior Member
China took draconian action to contain the virus and gave the world plenty of time to respond:

Wuhan was lockdown on Jan 23, two days later the rest of Hubei was lockdown. the message cannot be clearer, and the voice cannot be louder. China has successfully confined the virus to Hubei with rather limited spread to the rest of the country.

China has done its part, the rest of the world has failed to act.


Junior Member
Wuhan is the Stalingrad in fighting the virus. people in Wuhan have made great sacrifice to withhold the onslaught of the virus.

when people in Wuhan were dying, the crooks gloating and bashing on the sideline, celebrating China's Chernobyl. what they didn't expect it was chicken come home to roost so quick, and now they want China to pay for their vice.


Junior Member
Registered Member
China may have to pay for its being too naive on trusting on US Treasury too much. $1 trillion of it.

Might be a costly lesson as you say, but I think China knew there wasn't a snowball chance they were gonna ever get paid that $1 trillion back (COVID or no COVID), and that was already in the analysis from the get go.