CV-17 Shandong (002 carrier) Thread I ...News, Views and operations

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Junior Member
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Well I don't doubt Daliang's capability, but from PR's point of view this is very badly managed, I'm sure lots of people feel the same way as I do.

A couple weeks back there was high anticipation and people were very excited, some stayed up late. Just look at the many pages in cjdby thread. But after crying wolf again and again, when the real thing come, people already have psychological fatigue.

Plus the weather is not good...


Lieutenant General
Well I don't doubt Daliang's capability, but from PR's point of view this is very badly managed, I'm sure lots of people feel the same way as I do.

A couple weeks back there was high anticipation and people were very excited, some stayed up late. Just look at the many pages in cjdby thread. But after crying wolf again and again, when the real thing come, people already have psychological fatigue.

Plus the weather is not good...

You should know by now . Well welcome to China military watching but that is the fun you never know what come next !


Junior Member
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Well why can't these official outlets release some good photo or video, they are just not capable.

The best video shoot for J-20 debut was from a Japanese. These official outlets have the best equipment but their work is pure garbage. They're parasites of Chinese society.


Junior Member
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Those asymmetric weapons are good but China needs symmetric standoff weapons, match whatever US has. Otherwise Taiwanese would not shut up.

And they are all vulnterable to China's DF-21D or the even the more advanced DF-26 ASBM that can hit any carrier platform those VTOL stealth air craft sitting on.o_O


Junior Member
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Tbh most official videos and promotional material from the Chinese govt. and more official sources are quite tacky and low quality by western standards. After university and return to Hong Kong I would love to help make PLA promotional/recruitment ads since I make videos myself. Help out as a countryman.


Lieutenant General
Well why can't these official outlets release some good photo or video, they are just not capable.

The best video shoot for J-20 debut was from a Japanese. These official outlets have the best equipment but their work is pure garbage. They're parasites of Chinese society.

Why the need to always comparing. Who care military video is military video You don't need polish script It is not a movie after all I watch regularly both NHK and CGTN In fact CGTN always copy NHK format though they don't have good script writer like NHK or story telling skill But due to advance development of Japanese movie in 60's and 70's

I don;t see any difference betwenn US navy video and Chinese navy video They are both telling their side of the story


Junior Member
Registered Member
Well it's their job, and if they don't do a good job, screw them. Don't tell me how they get into those positions. Without this spirit it's just a matter of time before China fall back to fudal society. These people betray other people's hard work.

Anyway it's off topic.

Why the need to always comparing. Who care military video is military video You don't need polish script It is not a movie after all I watch regularly both NHK and CGTN In fact CGTN always copy NHK format though they don't have good script writer like NHK or story telling skill But due to advance development of Japanese movie in 60's and 70's

I don;t see any difference betwenn US navy video and Chinese navy video They are both telling their side of the story


Lieutenant General
Well it's their job, and if they don't do a good job, screw them. Don't tell me how they get into those positions. Without this spirit it's just a matter of time before China fall back to fudal society. These people betray other people's hard work.Anyway it's off topic.

bad case of inferiority complex and go back to you cave !
No What they did in the last 20 year is without parallel in human history.Lifitn 700 milion people out of dire poverty without war without subjugation of other people. They do it with their own sweat World bank , IMP all the international body commended China for this achievement . Who are you little man? China future is bright and people like you will not be missed!
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