055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread

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There is also some marketing involved. Somebody or a bunch of somebodies be it military, manufacturers or civilian leadership or combination of all decided to call a certain class a certain designation and from there it became gospel.

Take Zumwalt as an example. The Zumwalt we see and know today was derived from the SC-21 initiative.. i.e Advance 21st century Surface Combatant program that came about almost 25 years ago.

It was an initiative to replace the Spruance, Kidd and later AB class as well as Ticos.
At that time no one knew the AB class would've ended up becoming so successful and evolved into multiple 'flights' and would later become the primary workhorse of the USN and as we now know will remain so past even mid century!!!

As such it was designated a destroyer because it was originally intended and classified to be one. The SC 21 program also had a CG(X) provision for an entirely new class of cruiser class sharing the same hull just as Tico shared the same hull as the Spruance class destroyers.

But as we all are aware oftentimes, reality often charts a very different path of it's own. Due mainly to budgetary constraints, change in world order, politics etc most of the initial program were never realized.

In a perfect world as envisioned by those who came up with the SC 21 program, the USN today would consists of dozens of Zumwalt-like destroyers and Zumwalt-like Cruisers CG(x)/arsenal ships having replaced ABs, Ticos but instead ABs are still very much alive and kickin, 2 Zumwalts realized, 1 more planned and with Ticos still sailing the high seas!
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Iron Man

Registered Member
The one thing that IMO distinguishes cruisers from destroyers is command capability. Ticonderoga cruisers, in addition to having significantly greater firepower, have extra C&C facilities on board for the CSG's AAW commander, and of course can serve as the SAG leader in the absence of a carrier. The Burke does not have these facilities and is therefore less capable as the commander of a SAG or as the AAW commander of a CSG. I believe the reason the Zumwalt is classified as a destroyer is possibly because it is meant to serve as a lone wolf deep inside enemy territory to bombard land targets that are within range of its 155mm guns. It seems to me that the Zumwalt was never designed to serve as a SAG or CSG commander. That was a role envisioned for the now canceled CG(X) and carried on by the Tico cruisers still in service.


The one thing that IMO distinguishes cruisers from destroyers is command capability. Ticonderoga cruisers, in addition to having significantly greater firepower, have extra C&C facilities on board for the CSG's AAW commander, and of course can serve as the SAG leader in the absence of a carrier. The Burke does not have these facilities and is therefore less capable as the commander of a SAG or as the AAW commander of a CSG. I believe the reason the Zumwalt is classified as a destroyer is possibly because it is meant to serve as a lone wolf deep inside enemy territory to bombard land targets that are within range of its 155mm guns. It seems to me that the Zumwalt was never designed to serve as a SAG or CSG commander. That was a role envisioned for the now canceled CG(X) and carried on by the Tico cruisers still in service.

Correction.. you don't need a Tico to be a SAG leader. AB's are fully capable to conduct and manage AAW operations of a suface group or a squadron.


Junior Member
Registered Member
It is confusing, Henri K said otherwise
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According spotters in Shanghai, the 5th destroyer type 055 has been on hold. No picture for the moment.

I think that is a mistranslation from the french "mis sur cale" to "on hold". "mettre sur cale" means putting a boat on blocks on land - in this case it might mean to put the first module in place, but in other cases it might have a meaning of taking a boat out of water "on hold".
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