KJ-600 carrierborne AEWC thread & possible KY-600 (?) COD aircraft


and capable of operating from shorter runways such as found on islands in the South China Sea...
The larger islands have 2700 m. and longer runways so longer than even KJ-2000 needs. The other islands have helicopter pads that are too small for KJ-600.


The larger islands have 2700 m. and longer runways so longer than even KJ-2000 needs. The other islands have helicopter pads that are too small for KJ-600.

There must be islands in between postage stamp and 10,000ft runway size.

Obviously the major application for KJ-600 is as a carrier-based AEW platform and that is an application with a very clear ceiling on total numbers: likely 15-30 airframes.

The point of my previous post was that these very modest production numbers could be supplemented both by export orders and by limited orders elsewhere, e.g. from China Coast Guard.