Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Registered Member
A 4 year refurb. according to the Wiki ... I can only assume this was constrained by finances, as I'm surprised to see the missile armament (ssn19 shipwrecks?) was not replaced with something more compact and enabling a greater load out.

Does anyone have any details as to the refurbishment activities carried out? ie was it purely a refurb - addressing wear and tear? or were any upgrade activities undertaken?

What with?
Bte, these launchers aren't for SS-N-19.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
A 4 year refurb. according to the Wiki ... I can only assume this was constrained by finances, as I'm surprised to see the missile armament (ssn19 shipwrecks?) was not replaced with something more compact and enabling a greater load out.

Does anyone have any details as to the refurbishment activities carried out? ie was it purely a refurb - addressing wear and tear? or were any upgrade activities undertaken?

the activities started in 2011, concerned the propulsion, electricity generation, internal communications, and general systems (these I imagine as for example "the drainage, dewatering, fire safety and other systems of the vessel" from the one year old article
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as for the missiles, I think she's gotten the Vulkans
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"improved Sandboxes"
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but that's my interpretation, not something from the article I quoted ... common! there's has to be a translation available in Internet

Quite sure armed with P-500 or 1000 but no sure what variant logically P-1000.

Only sensors modified here :
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The 3 Slava with Udaloy are the more reliable used for deployments, Slava two have do long station close Syria for reinforced AA defence, Moskva BSF replaced after by Varyag from PF few bigs combattants available this one came from far..

And remains few Sovremennyy 4 much retired rarely deploeyd coz same propulsion problems than the Kuznetsov, not reliable.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Sep 2, 2016

yesterday, according to
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The first enough big combattant it is not a MSC, a SSC for Pacific Fleet from very long time... ! the Varyag/Slava arrived in 1990, 26 years ! or eventualy after an DDG but very few years.
Northern Fleet have receive the " last Soviets " Kuznetsov, 4th Kirov and unique Udaloy II
Baltic 2 FFG Neutrashimmiy
Recently Black Sea 1 soon 2 FFG Grigorovich
Caspian Flotilla also have receive new Buyan Corvettes.

Pacific Fleet begin receive a new MSC normaly in 2018/19 the Nakhimov completely upgraded, a fortress ! surely the new flagship ideal for do naval diplomacy, impress.

With economy in Asia, maritime flows, all the big ports, arms race etc... it is the main Naval Theater now and Russia for a big country logicaly must be more presents with a Navy more powerful.

I precise AF in the Far East/3 COMD AF/AD have receive the first Su-35, Su-27SM and now a Rgt do transition from Su-24M2 to Su-34 but few Rgts ( enough big ) for cover a very big area...concentrated on some areas.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
3 new Su-34 for 277th Rgt based to Khurba/Komsomolsk he have 13 on 24 now replace Su-24M2, normaly 4 others soon.

Su-30MKA for Algeria, 14 in order
new Su-30MKA for Algerian AF at Irkut aviafactory.jpg