Lieutenant General
This is how arrogant Americans are when they're offended that China has a military designed to counter the US. Duh! They know how arrogant they are too because they'll frame it as China is plotting to take over the world because why else would they be building a military to beat the US? It can't be because the US is the bad guy. They're the ones claiming their military is superior and can easily beat China. China has no military experience, remember? I thought they wanted to treat China like Reagan did to the Soviet Union. Make them go bankrupt trying to catch-up with the US. China would have to spend money on their military in order for that to happen. So what are they worried about if everything is in their favor? Because it's all a facade. Yeah sure they can kill more... but they can't take casualties. That's why during the Iraq War they lionized each soldier that died. They had to make the families feel like America was morning with them for their loss or else it just ain't worth it to them. Even though the US suffered low casualties, the war kept dragging on and remember their dead just wasn't as important anymore and the war lost support. The US is a terrorist state because they have to threaten countries with their military in order to get them to do what they want. And they wonder why China has a military to defend itself...CIA update ASAP
What about all these public wargamesTM??
That little fact Hegseth gave about the US having a perfect record in wargames against China... in losing, I've been mentioning for a while in this forum. Of course when I say it to an American, they don't believe it. It's not a dozen years like Hegseth claims. It's more like forty years of simulated wargames at the US Naval War College. It doesn't matter if US military technology advances through the decades. The US loses every single time because the US Navy can't defend itself from the swarm after swarm after swarm of low-cost anti-ship missiles China can hurl at them. China doesn't have experience? The US doesn't have experience in fighting a modern war against a peer adversary.