For all past mid-life refits of their destroyers and frigates, they retained the main guns configuration.Time flies fast. First 4 ships of type 054A have entered mid-age. 2 ships are 17 years old, the other 2 are 16 1/2 years old. Will be interesting to see if they will be upgraded to the latest batch spec with 100mm gun and modernised sensors.
Are the newest 054AGs still using the type 364 radar, or have they moved to the new type 368 like new build 052D DDGs?Latest Google Earth satellite photo of the Huangpu-Wenchong Shipyard, taken on 16 January this year.
Based on the imagery, 3x 054AG FFGs are fitting out, 1x 054-mod (Type 301) cutter is undergoing hull assembly, and hull modules belonging to at least one 054AG FFG or 054-mod (Type 301) cutter are currently being fabricated/assembled.
Posted by @somePLAOSINT on Twitter.
View attachment 144891
That means as of January 2025, there are at least 6x 054AG FFGs of the latest (5th) batch being constructed across Hudong-Zhonghua and Huangpu Wenchong Shipyards.
Well that is kind of disappointing... I thought they would at least adopt Type 382 + 368 combo like on the Type 075 LHD.The radar configuration remains unchanged except for the X-band fire control radars replacing the old MR-90 illuminators.