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Everyone here knows the pain and suffering of having to the learn the basics, even via rote memory whether it be studying Classical Chinese or the hard sciences. pain and suffering of this sort is only endured by people who truly love the subject, or are Chinese and can’t escape one’s heritage. still, the lessons taught is the ability to grind and commit with consistency, every step towards an overarching goal. You won’t find such sentiments amongst the livestock of India who believe they can cheat their way through life “and repay you next life” or amongst the spoiled scions of the west who have never had to work, or amongst the Chosen People who are using this current period in time to take advantage of a compromised USG to render themselves holy Brahmins of the new American social contract.
What timeline is this? Never thought I would see such headlines -
Let me put this in a way that only an Economist editor will understand: The Lord your God has forsaken you for your many sins and crimes against nature and has committed himself body and soul to the people’s republic of China.

MSS should just hack OpenAI‘s source code and leak it onto the internet.