Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Well, I integrated DS Platform API with my vscode setup on MacOS as well as Ubuntu and it works. Right now, DS is busy :) But the stock markets are in panic the way I have not seen for a long time.

One thing is for sure out of this DS Pre-CNY stampede is that "China cannot innovate" narrative is completely shattered.

Next up, as I just started to see in the past 2 days, is somewhat like "it is SeeSeePee Psyop" narrative.

Finally, I guess every other Chinese NEV maker outside HW is going to integrate DS into their cars, frontend and/or backend ......

Which plug-in/client are you using?


Registered Member
He seem to be researcher for bloomberg indeces?
This guy has no idea about the "tech literacy" of the Chinese leadership.

It is no secret that the Chinese leaders study the trends and directions in science and technology on regular basis, almost monthly. Often the whole politburo have joint sessions led by domain experts from CAS, CAE, CASS, top universities, and the recognized think tanks. CPC even publish the notes of these study sessions for public scrutiny:
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Compare the career backgrounds of the top politicians between China and the US, we have scientists, engineers, bureaucrats coming from grassroots in China vs lawyers, lawyers and more lawyers in the US.

Any one who has paid the minimum attention to politics in China would not make such trivial mistakes.