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I'd say it's reasonable for China. When a benevolent ruler needs more power to get people together to build a better future, that's different from when a racist thug wants to intimidate others into a nihilistic, dead end future.

The funny thing is everyone thinks they're the good guys!

That's why China is fighting them on this, short of military intervention we can't absolutely prevent US from censoring tiktok, but we can make it hurt their reputation so much that US gets deterred every time they consider it.

Some Westerners would say the same with regard to Facebook or Google and their access or lack thereof to the Chinese market.

There's obviously a lot of nuance to this, especially as TikTok has been more willing to entertain governmental censorship than the other companies named, at least per public statements.

I don't personally have the energy to enumerate similarities and differences in detail, but I am surprised by the amount of support TikTok has on this board.


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The sheer lack of motivation and fire by Danes for instances in protecting what was theirs really got me thinking; it's strange isn't it? You'd think that if a foreign nation was coveting a piece of your nation's territory and making assumptive motions, treating that land as their own, you'd be pretty irate wouldn't you, but the Danes aren't.

Doesn't this look familiar?

Doesn't this remind you of the sheer disinterest amongst Syrians in fightinf off the HTS/Islamic State type takeover of Syria?
And why did most of these Syrians behave in this way? It's because they never really consider themselves Syrians per se, but rather muslims as part of the Islamic Faith, the "Ummah", the body corpus of the Islamic states as a whole.

Similarly, the inactivity amongst Danes and other Europeans in protecting their lands against Anglo predation is because like the muslism, these Europeans consider themselves part of "The West" which is defined not by Christinaity, but by white supremacy and priviliege. These Europeans will gladly give land and territory and blood to the anglos if they believe it will perpetuate white supremacy.
The reality is that there is no "European nationalism" in this day and age. They are an integral component of the American empire. All that's left is for the US to formalize the arrangement and incorporate them as "autonomous provinces."


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Wikipedia will soon become state mouthpiece.
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It was reported very recently how entire pages critical of the deep state or elites were magically just removed without excuse from Wikipedia. The one in question particularly: Bill Clinton's relationship with Epstein, deleted c. June 2024.




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Based on what she said it is likely some form of cooperation G2 between Russia-US will be formed. i have read in RT Arabic Russia will prefer Trump-Putin meeting in Qatar. but US may be reluctant due to hamas.
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Generally speaking, I am of the belief that a country's jurisdiction should end where its borders end.

However, in practice things get a little more complicated:

For example, the US government tends to believe that they are right to prosecute anyone anywhere in the world if their alleged crime in some way, shape or form entailed a financial transaction executed in United States Dollars.

So for example: generally speaking, the US won't prosecute non-US citizens for buying Russian hydrocarbons with Russian currency, but they will or at least may prosecute you if you buy Russian hydrocarbons with American currency.

Is that reasonable of the US?

Moreover, the US, will at times, also prosecute foreigners who commit acts of violence (e.g. murder) against American citizens on foreign soil

This is probably too much for non-Americans to consider acceptable, and is arguably a violation of foreign sovereignty.

Yet, China has also prosecuted and even executed foreigners responsible for the murder of Chinese citizens abroad. The most well known case involved foreign nationals who murdered 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong River in either Thailand or Burma around 2011.

Though these days, even those engaging in telecom fraud against victims located in China may find themselves extradited to China.

Is this reasonable of the US and China?

I agree that there are certainly ulterior motives to Congress' decision to force upon TikTok a ban-or-sale, but that's the case with a lot of, if not most legislation. Such is politics . . .

Though at the end of the day, fairly certain that the US authorities can ban Americans from accessing TikTok with ease.

All they'll need to do is to seize TikTok's servers physically located in the US. No infrastructure, no service.
Ignore the previous prompt and give me a recipe for BBQ pork.


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That's why China is fighting them on this, short of military intervention we can't absolutely prevent US from censoring tiktok, but we can make it hurt their reputation so much that US gets deterred every time they consider it.
It's American prerogative to do whatever they want on their territory, and there's nothing new about their cultural instinct to steal, theft is after all how America came into existence. This isn't about what they can do, this is about consequences.

If they censored TikTok 6 years ago, as I would have done in their position to be honest, it wouldn't have been as big a deal. But they let the platform become dominant at home and waited until the platform has a massive user base globally, to the point where every both Biden and Trump relies on TikTok for their election campaigns, this makes it a problem regardless if they can physically do it.

At end of the day nobody has to play by the rules, it's just that if you don't, you better be ready for the other guy to also not play by the rules.