PLA next/6th generation fighter thread

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They set up a guest observation stand and other forms of fanfare. Wouldn’t take too long.

I think @勤劳朴实罗素里 meant the launching ceremony of the 076 LHD, not the first flight of J-XD.

He's well known for following warship-related developments, not warplane-related developments.
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Regarding the discussion on the J-XD's first flight:

Unless either of the following two is correct:
1. China has an equivalent to Plant 42, where aircraft manufactures can assemble and fly their demonstrators/prototypes from (the YF-22 did so), which is separate from the companies' respective aircraft manufacturing plants; or
2. China has an equivalent to Area 51, and that both Chengdu and Shenyang ACs did like what Lockheed did with their A-12 back in the 1960s (i.e. ship the secretive aircraft by parts to Area 51, assemble the aircraft and have its first flight from there) -
Then the first flights of J-XD1 from Chengdu AC and J-XD2 from Shenyang AC (demonstrator or prototype) are absolutely certain.

Both Plant 42 (in Palmdale, California) and Area 51 (in the middle of the Nevada's sparsely-populated arid mountain ranges) isn't exactly bordering or surrounded by sprawling cities, and during the first flights of both the YF-22 and A-12 there weren't portable cameras in everybody's pockets back then.

It should also be noted that both the YF-22 and A-12 had their first flights as technology demonstrators/prototypes - And that both flights took place during the Cold War.

So any attempts at applying what the Americans did with their YF-22 and A-12 to what Chengdu and Shenyang ACs should be doing with regards to their J-XD1/2 should be avoided.

Steven D

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A message missed yesterday from PaoBa and I quote "Did Santa Claus go to the anorectal department? Why haven’t the Christmas gifts been delivered?"

I would guess the Christmas gifts are the 6 gen prototypes and that "anorectal department" is saying about the possible engine related issues? So is he suggesting that if the first fight didn't happen as planned, it could be engines related issues? Anyway it doesn't seems like he's very sure about it as well.

Also my personal estimation is that PaoBa is a reliable source on armoured vehicles but I'm not sure about experimental fighters. Maybe he's being ignorant and curious just like the rest of us.
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