4D-chess move? Not that I will give credit to Trump himself.
Do everything possible to increase inflation. i.e tariffs, removing illegals, making more stateside.
Slashing government budget.
High inflation makes it easier to pay the debt.
This only works if,
A. Deficits are reduced at the same time
B. Nominal revenues rise substantially faster than the debt
Neither are likely under Trump. In my opinion, the most catastrophic scenario for United States is one where US trade policies create high inflation, high military spending and tax cuts cause a large growth in the budget deficit, Fed's high interest rates (which might be raised further to combat inflation) create a business unfriendly environment causing a spike in unemployment.
This results in
actual stagflation. Meaning a combination of high inflation, high or rising unemployment, and low economic growth.
Now I'm not saying that this will happen, or that this is even likely under Trump (IMO Congress will not pass the majority of his ideas), but it is a non-zero possibility. Perhaps even 10-20% if I had to put a random number on it.