Fan art, PS and CG images

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
But considering how many VLS cells ticos and burkes have relative to their size, this fanmade CG doesn't look unseaworthy.

I stand corrected..I wonder what the displacement of this fan artist dream is? about 9-10,000 tons?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
The main island/mast however looks way too tall, the gun doesnt' make sense, and the thing behind the bridge looks weird.
The overall vessel looks a lot like a cross between the Aussie Hobart AEGIS design and the Daring Class of the UK. That enclosed, intergated mast is a stealth feature, like what is on the USS San Anotnio LDP class. The gun is a knock off of the AGS on the new DDG-1000 Zumwalt class. Stealthy and probably capable of advanced dsitance munitions, either the 130mm or 155mm of the Zumwalt.

All in all, I believe it would be quite sea worthy. The Ticos of the US Navy appear top heavy too...and initially there were some difficultiies...but thoise were all solved and now, irrespective of how they look, they are considered very sea worthy and good handling vessels in all sorts of sea states.
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Lieutenant General
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Registered Member
I stand corrected..I wonder what the displacement of this fan artist dream is? about 9-10,000 tons?

Maybe 12,000 tons.

It's a badly thought out CG, but I expect the 055 or whatever the PLAN's CG ends up being designated as, to look something like this, with an integrated mast and a much stealthier exterior, and possibly even 2+ ciws mounts.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Another fan boy dream.. this time a direct copy of an USN Ford class CVN.

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Hehehe...can't blame them for dreaming...and if you are going to dream, you might as well dream of Heaven.

Who knows where they will be in 20-30 years? Time will tell.

But you can bet, in that same time frame, the US will have moved forward as well and the next class of carrier will be on the drawing boards...and the Ford's will be equipped with a whole new array of aircraft, self defense weapons, and capabilities that will make us really old men (by that time if we are still breathing) simply stand in amazement.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
This was posted at is the top poster of PLA photos at

The secret of J-20 power


bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Russian model...looks like an Russian fan boi got loose with the MS paint.

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google translation and the original caption..

Russian Navy from 2005 to publicize its new aircraft carrier program is expected to be in service in 2016-2017 years.(To this day not a single piece of steel has been cut for a "new" Russian CV) Thereafter, for the new aircraft carrier has been much news in 2007, a similar number to upgrade Kuniezuofu Festival debut in the Navy aircraft carrier model, but this is not the final plan. In 2013 the Navy equipment exhibition held in St. Petersburg, we looked a dual ship island, dual runway aircraft carrier model.

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Tyrant King
another carrier fandream. wish some one would cook some thing entertaining.... I miss the days of the twin cannon tank, the stealth choppers the occasional submarine carrier.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
another carrier fandream. wish some one would cook some thing entertaining.... I miss the days of the twin cannon tank, the stealth choppers the occasional submarine carrier.

You mean like these...These boys had skills!

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