Worlds Best...Helmets


Junior Member
It's just a bit of curiosity that I have. I am sort of curious as to what you guys think the current best Helmets in modern infantry are. I do not know much about it, and would find it helpful in future discussion.

About all I know is that a good portion of Modern Helmet technologies are influenced by the German Schteilhelm of circa WW1-2, which proved superior over the 'Tommy Boy' helmets in covering the head. But that is about the most modern thing I know about the evolution of the modern infantry helmet.

So, who is feilding the best helmets, and how are/were they produced and made that way? I know, a strange topic, but I figure you guys are the best to ask.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Well All I can say that the finnish army hell sure has the most uncomftable helmets...But I must say they were suprisingly warm. I lost my woolen cap which was held under the helmet during the wintertime and I was too stingy to pay for another one so during the coldest days of the winter I had to go with only the helmet...And suprisingly my head stayed warm:confused:

Anyway this arragment had some downfalls as there is this weird rule in our army that all soldiers must wear some sort of hat when they are outside (and on the contary no hats were allowed inisde), only exeption being when eating, you weren't allowed to use any hat while eating no matter how cold it was...So when we had some training or lectures done in the woods and you didn't have to wear your fullgear, need to have some sort of there i was among the whole battery the sole one wearing the helmet when other wear only the woolen can imagine how ridicilous and embarassed I must flet:eek: ;) :p


Junior Member
VIP Professional
LOL, we had a similar rule regarding the wearing of berets. They had to be on most of the time, but it was considered _disrepectful_ I believe to wear them while eating. Especially in mess hall they had to be taken off, or you would be yelled at!

I was told (hearsay) by an NCO that our Canadian helmets (which are like the U.S. IIRC) were designed so that the strap would unlock (detach) if the helmet was hit by a bullet, so that your head would not be rocked back by the impact. I don't know if it's true or not.