Welcome to Sinodefence Kizil. Find the New Member's Introduction thread and properly intoduce yourself to everyone here at SDF. Also read the forum rules and all that stuff. Hopefully this website will enlighten you and improve your understanding of the world as much as it has mine.
The Turkish military is certainly one of the most professional and capable militaries in the Middle East. They have a great tradition. Turkish special forces are quite good and their Air Force would crush Iran or Syria's. Turkey's other main rival, Greece, would be a much more capable rival, and it could give Turkey a run for its money if a confrontaiton were ever to develop. However, I think that that scenario is a remote possibility. Turkey also has a capable armoured force with large numbers or Leopard 2s Leopard 1s and M-60s, as well as quite a few indigenous IFVs and M-113s, and a large artillery arsenal. Turkey's army is the most powerful in the reigion(except for Israel). Its Navy is respectable as well.