US Individual Ready Reserve


Junior Member
I had not heard of this program until recently, and wanted to confirm its accuracy. While most individuals use statements to support their arguments for a certain stance, I generally try to focus on what actual actions have been taken... and these actions don't exactly paint a rosy picture of the situation the US Army is in.

In short, I am referring to the Individual Ready Reserve, which is in essence a back door draft - basically taking now-civilians that have been out of the military for years - and forcing them to come back and be "retrained" for their new jobs. I'm not sure about other branches, but if my source is correct, the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) is where the Army/military(?) puts the people who are awaiting to complete their 8 year obligation. If you are an officer you will be on the IRR indefinitely until you actively resign your commission. When in the IRR people do not undergo training or military operation work, as they are regarded as a "just in case" force that is only to be utilized if WWIII should ever happen.

From what I've read, 20,000 members of the IRR were called back in Desert Storm, albeit for very limited duty, generally with specialized skills to fill up slots that were emptied by active duty soldiers going to war. Example: Active Army Doctor from Fort Campbell deployed to the war zone replaced by IRR Doctor in Fort Campbell to take over his original duties.

Now up to this point everything seemed somewhat reasonable to me, until I realized that since 2004, thousands of IRR soldiers were actually recalled not to backfill active army positions, but to actually deploy to Iraq for a year after half a year of training, for a total recall time of 545 days. If this information is incorrect, please by all means correct me. Assuming the information is correct...

Then this is ridiculous. My guess is that most have financial and family obligations that were completely wrecked, as indicated by this USA Today article:

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Rick Howell thought his military career ended seven years ago. Then, last month, a telegram ordered him to report for duty on Aug. 31 for what surely will be at least a year in Iraq.

The timing couldn't be worse.

The 47-year-old retired helicopter test pilot will have to leave home 27 days before his wife is due to give birth to their first child. He'll also leave behind a half-finished house and two aging parents. (Related story: Army works to increase enlistees)

Howell is one of thousands of former soldiers in the Individual Ready Reserve who can be plucked from retirement and civilian life to fill the ranks of an Army taxed by fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The IRR is an infrequently used pool of former soldiers who can be called to duty in a national emergency or war.

Some go into the IRR to complete their commitment to the armed forces. Others, including some officers, stay in the IRR voluntarily to boost their pensions or remain eligible for career opportunities.

In January, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorized the Army to mobilize up to 6,500 IRR soldiers. The Army has identified 5,672 IRR soldiers for call-up and has notified about 2,100 of them so far.

Keep in mind that this was from 2004. Logic tells me that the numbers are probably even higher 2 and a half years later.

It originally caused a slight disturbance in the media, but noise died down pretty fast when the Bush Administration used a play out of its reliable playbook: Not telling the truth. White House statements stated that IRR call-ups were under review and that people with less than one year left in their obligation period would be discharged. However, they were still called up and it was up to you as an IRR person to fight it.

The Marines also learned from the Army and recalled at least 2500 Marines out of the IRR for COMBAT duty.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush has authorized the U.S. Marine Corps to recall 2,500 troops to active duty because there are not enough volunteers returning for duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, Marine commanders announced Tuesday.

The recall was authorized last month, and will begin in spring 2007 to fill positions for upcoming rotations, Marine officials said. The Marine Corps is taking volunteers from the Marine Individual Ready Reserve, the officials said.

Marine Col. Guy A. Stratton, head of the manpower mobilization section, told The Associated Press that there is a shortfall of about 1,200 Marines needed to fill positions in upcoming unit deployments.

"Since this is going to be a long war, we thought it was judicious and prudent at this time to be able to use a relatively small portion of those Marines to help us augment our units," Stratton said, according to the AP.

Tours for recalled Marines could last 12 to 18 months, according to Marine officials.

This is all very disturbing, especially if these are the troops that are in charge of training the new Iraqi Army.

And again, if anyone has any evidence refuting what I've posted here or if the news is inaccurate, by all means correct me. (I'm saying this because I've only recently learned of this and so I'm unsure about it all)

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Zerling, everyone one that joins the US military voluntarely is a member of some reserve force after their release from active duty. Unless they were medically or admined discharged. Most join for 4 years with two years as an IRR drilling or non drilling. After that time their obligation is finished. There are other reserve programs that are longer.

For instance when I retired from the USN in 1991 I was a member of the "fleet reserve"(non drilling) for 10 years until I finished my full term of service.

None of these reserve positions are forced on anyone. Everyone that joins and is released from active duty knows full well about the reserve portion of their contract and its ramifications. It's not something the DoD dreamed up over night. It has been in place for years. And is now being used has it has been in the past.

For anyone to call the recall of reservist a de-facto draft is mis-informed.

Remember there has not been a draft in the US military since 1973.

Personally I do not agree with the recall of personell to active duty. I will leave it at that.
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Junior Member
Zerling, everyone one that joins the US military voluntarely is a member of some reserve force after their release from active duty. Unless they were medically or admined discharged. Most join for 4 years with two years as an IRR drilling or non drilling. After that time their obligation is finished. There are other reserve programs that are longer.

For instance when I retired from the USN in 1991 I was a member of the "fleet reserve"(non drilling) for 10 years until I finished my full term of service.

None of these reserve positions are forced on anyone. Everyone that joins and is released from active duty knows full well about the reserve portion of their contract and its ramifications. It's not something the DoD dreamed up over night. It has been in place for years. And is now being used has it has been in the past.

For anyone to call the recall of reservist a de-facto draft is mis-informed.

Remember there has not been a draft in the US military since 1973.

Personally I do not agree with the recall of personell to active duty. I will leave it at that.

Sure, I understand that they are obligated to serve because they signed their name on the dotted line (though I may not have made that clear), but I believe it is definitely a very bad idea considering these people have been out of the uniform for so long and are being tossed back into active duty. Using the words "draft" was simply to highlight the fact that "recall" means "involuntary". These people may or may not have known what they were getting into - that's not why I posted the article - what struck me was what sort of situation the US military (note: Army) is in if these sorts of measures are required.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Sure, I understand that they are obligated to serve because they signed their name on the dotted line (though I may not have made that clear), but I believe it is definitely a very bad idea considering these people have been out of the uniform for so long and are being tossed back into active duty. Using the words "draft" was simply to highlight the fact that "recall" means "involuntary". These people may or may not have known what they were getting into - that's not why I posted the article - what struck me was what sort of situation the US military (note: Army) is in if these sorts of measures are required.

I agree with you almost 100%! :) As someone who did their "time". I feel once you have completed your obligated active duty your active should be done. I would have hated to be called back to service...They can't call me now.:) Now that being said if there was a war like WWII then I would feel differently.

What has happened is because of poor war-planning by D.Rumsfield, Pres Bush et al is that our troops are stretched thin. There are service members on their third combat tour of Iraq or Afghanstian. Ridiclous!

Actually personell wise only the US Army is strained. The USMC tour to a combat zone remains seven months.

"Poor planning on your part does not consitute an emergency on my part".


Junior Member
Actually personell wise only the US Army is strained. The USMC tour to a combat zone remains seven months.

"Poor planning on your part does not consitute an emergency on my part".

Hmm, that's the impression I had but it seems that the USMC has also taken advantage of the IRR (as noted through articles I referenced), though obviously not to the scale that the Army has.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Hmm, that's the impression I had but it seems that the USMC has also taken advantage of the IRR (as noted through articles I referenced), though obviously not to the scale that the Army has.

True to a point "Z". The USMC is a much smaller force. Only about 160,000 Marines. The marines have fought tooth & Nail not to restort to stop loss programs and using the IRR and other reservist.

There's only person to blame for this whole mess..and he lives at 1600 Pennsylvania, AV Washington DC USA.