It's very easy for many of you to say that US will win for sure because they have far better army than China does. But when you consider the human factor, you will see that US can't defeat China. If US and China go to war, it's not just about US bombing China, it's also about China bombing US. When you and your friends and your families' lives are on the line, how many of you can take it and support it 100%? (consider the fact that US has no justified reason to attact China at all). Look how many people are against the Iraq War when only few thousands people died, and none of the people at home got hurt. When you fight against China, it's a different story. The number of dead people will increase by a mile, and people who are sitting at home will be under the risk of getting killed. Americans are so used to sitting on their butts and watching their army bombing other countries, and likely when they got bombed there will be chaos. There will be polls and strikes everywhere and calling a new election. Remember 911? It's gonna be many times worse than that. The government will be forced to withdraw its force otherwise the US will fall apart. There are too many people who don't like war in US, and democracy has given them power to make an impact. China won't has this problem because its government is 100% in control of its people, call it ditatorship as you may. No matter how many people died, how many buildings fell down, those people can't do anything.