Type 051C and Type 052C, which one is more capable?


New Member
It simply cannot be determined at this stage, not a good comparison...

Both have their ups and downs...both are competing designs, and until one is put into series production, then we can fully know.

For now, I'd put my 2 bux fo the 052C...

For the reasons for...
* Stealthier design
* More advanced control/command/360 coverage radar
* Indigenous missile system (HQ-9) not imported Russian S300pmu etc

photo pds

Just Hatched
Registered Member
I think the new52c is much more advance than 51,because mant season like a hull of the 52 is design for stealt ship moer advanse system .:china: :china: :china:


VIP Professional
Well there are to much unknowns for realistic comparison;
- type52C definitely has more modern hull
- type52C has helicopter hangar so it has better ASW capabilities
- unknown quality of indigenous radar and missiles on type52C
- type51C has proven and quite modern C&C system, air defense system, etc.

So it all depends on performance of systems installed on type52C on which we have joust to little information to judge it performance… So for now I would go for 051C because we know how systems installed on that ship perform…

Vlad Plasmius

Junior Member
The problem is that 051C doesn't offer a very effective step forward. I think 052C offers more for the future than 051C, which is a more marginal upgrade. China needs to play catchup with us and Japan. South Korea may be getting AEGIS. China needs to get something equivalent soon. 052C fits that purpose better.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Dear Sirs:

I think the differences between the 051C and 052C reflect the relative technological differences between their two constructing shipyards, namely, Dalian (which is under the direct supervision of the PLAN Northern Fleet command) and Jiangnan/Hongdu (which are commercial yards that also build warships for the PLAN).

Clearly the 052C's (as well as various other, commercial vessels built in the Shanghai shipyards) have a higher level of technological sophistication than their Dalian counterparts.

They also reflect more domestic Chinese technological input, with hull design being just the most visible aspect.

All in all, Dalian's effort is both more conservative and modest, as well as a little disappointing. The hull form is basically an enlarged and modified Luhai (DDG 167) type, will far less provision for stealth than the 052C.

The weapons and sensor systems of the 051C are basically dated Russian designs, the only visible domestic systems being the C-803 launchers and the Type 730 CIWS.

The advantages of the Shanghai yards came about through the political patronage of the so-called Shanghai clique of ex-President Jiang Zemin. These advantages will remain so long as Dalian is not upgraded, (though I understand this is already taking place).

Nonetheless the construction of three types of large DDG's over the past 5 years indicates that the PLAN is still in the process of developing its' surface naval technology and designs.

Best Regards,

Dusky Lim


VIP Professional
I will go with the 052C. It has superior 360 degree simultaneous coverage and longer ranged ASMs. The ship, overall, seems technologically superior.


VIP Professional
Type 051C is larger, but it is based on an older design. Which ship is more capable in your opinion?

On paper, the 052C has better specs. The YJ-62 and HQ-9 has longer range, and the 052C has better engines. But since these systems are all untested in combat, it's hard to say.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Type 051C versus Type 052C

Currently, which do you guys think is better.

I don't know the whole background story but it strikes me that these are alturnative designs both fullfilling the PLAN's desperate need for a air-defence destroyer.

Basic stats comparision:

So, is the Type 051C the back-up design, perhaps cheaper and lower risk?


VIP Professional
Re: Type 051C versus Type 052C

In my view, both are competiting designs originally submitted to fit the same specification. In the US we often see competiting projects right? Like YF-16 vs. YF-17.

Despite having purchased two RIF-Ms, the shipyard in Shanghai got the contract not just for the merit of the design, but I suspect because of the Shanghai clique (Jiang Zhemin's) in the government. The 051C project in Dalian got placed into a hold.

As Hu Jintao increased his faction's hold in the government, the faction needed to defray some of the favoritism being applied to the Shanghai area, including industry, military complex, and regional commands aka Nanjing MR and East Sea Fleet. So they gave an order for Dalian in the north to resume the 051C project. The 051C project appeared to have resumed around the time HJT began taking over the government reins.