Banned Idiot
China's long history, is almost constant war, to understand China's national defense, I think we should understand the history of China. All the countries of the world map, are in recognition of Tibet within China's territory, so there is no doubt that Tibet's history, it should be China is a part of history.
Therefore, I think the discussion in Tibet's history, should not be regarded as political discussion, I know Crobato very understanding of the history, I hope you can convince the administrator, so that we can discuss Tibet's history, just like the past, we discussed the history of Mongolia, Genghis Khan to discuss the same.
从公元前起,开始有先民居住在青藏高原。以后,经过漫长的岁月,西藏高原上分散的众多部落逐渐统一,成为现在的藏族。吐蕃王朝 公元七世纪初,唐朝建立起强大的统一政权。与此同时,藏族的民族英雄松赞干布兼并十余个部落和部族,在西藏高原实现统一。松赞干布在位期间,锐意修好唐廷,吸取唐朝的先进生产技术和政治文化成果。他曾两次派遣大臣赴唐廷求婚,于公元641年迎娶了唐太宗的宗女文成公主。唐高宗封松赞干布为“附马都尉”、“西海郡王”,后又晋封为“宾王”。松赞干布奠定了吐蕃与唐朝200余年频繁往来的“甥舅亲谊”。 公元821年,吐蕃王赤热巴巾三次派员到长安请求会盟。唐穆宗命宰相等官员与吐蕃会盟官员在长安西郊举行了隆重的会盟仪式。次年,唐朝与吐蕃结盟于拉萨东郊。此次会盟时在唐长庆元年(822年)和二年(823年),史称“长庆会盟”。会盟双方重申了历史上“和同为一家”的甥舅亲谊,商议今后“社稷如一”。记载这次会盟内容的石刻“唐蕃会盟碑”共有三块,其中一块立于拉萨大昭寺前。历代中央政府对西藏的管辖 13世纪初,成吉思汗在中国北部建立蒙古汗国。 1271年,蒙古汗政权定国号为元,并于1279年统一全中国,建立了统一的中央政权,西藏成为中国元朝中央政府直接治理下的一个行政区域。 自13世纪中叶西藏地区正式归入元朝版图后,中国虽然经历了几代王朝的兴替,多次更换中央政权,但西藏一直处于中央政府的管辖之下。 1368年明朝建立后,采取了普遍封赐的政策,对具有政治实力的地方诸教派首领均赐加以“王”、“法王”、“灌顶国师”等名号;王位的继承必须经皇帝批准,遣使册封。明朝中央对西藏地方的治理,沿袭了元朝的办法,先后设置乌思藏、朵甘两个“卫指挥使司”和“俄力思军民元帅府”,分别管理前后藏、昌都和阿里地区的军政事务。其间,帕竹地方政权在西藏部分地区建立了宗本制度,所任各宗的行政首脑,明朝皆授以官职,使其既为宗本(相当于县长)又为中央命官。 1644年清朝取代明朝,对西藏的治理更加严密,使中央政府在西藏行使主权管辖的施政进一步制度化、法律化。 1652年,五世达赖进京入见。 1653年,顺治皇帝颁赐金册、金印,敕封五世达赖,正式确定了达赖喇嘛的封号。 1713年,康熙皇帝册封五世班禅罗桑益西为“班禅额尔德尼”,正式确定了班禅喇嘛的名号。自此,达赖喇嘛在拉萨统治西藏的大部分地区,班禅额尔德尼在日喀则统治西藏的另一部分地区。 1727年,清朝设立驻藏大臣,代表中央监督西藏地方行政;西藏与四川、云南、青海的区界,就是于此时派员正式勘定的。 1750年,再次调整管理西藏的行政体制,废除郡王制度,建立西藏地方政府(即“噶厦”),规定了驻藏大臣与达赖喇嘛共同掌握西藏事务的体制。 1793年,清朝政府就驻藏大臣的职权、达赖与班禅及其他大活佛转世、边界军事防务、对外交涉、财政税收、货币铸造与管理,以及寺院的供养和管理等,颁布了著名的《钦定藏内善后章程》,共29条。此后100余年,29条章程确定的基本原则一直是西藏地方行政体制和法规的规范。 1949年,中华人民共和国成立。1951年5月23日,中央人民政府和西藏地方政府的代表就西藏和平解放的一系列问题达成协议,签订了《中央人民政府和西藏地方政府关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》(简称“十七条协议”)。 “十七条协议”的主要内容是: 一方面,中央政府要求西藏地方政府积极协助人民解放军进驻西藏,巩固国防,坚决驱逐帝国主义势力;西藏地区一切涉外事务由中央人民政府统一处理;藏军逐步改编为人民解放军。 另一方面,中央人民政府对西藏现行制度及达赖喇嘛的固有地位及职权不予变更;尊重西藏人民的风俗习惯,宗教信仰自由得到保护,西藏的社会改革,采取与西藏领导人员协商解决,在西藏实行民族区域自治等。达赖喇嘛和班禅额尔德尼分别致电中央人民政府主席毛泽东,表示拥护“十七条协议”,决心维护祖国主权的统一;西藏各阶层僧俗人士和各地藏族领袖也表示坚决支持。从此,西藏历史翻开了新的一页。 1954年,达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼联袂赴北京参加中华人民共和国第一届全国人民代表大会。在这次会议上,达赖喇嘛当选为全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长,班禅额尔德尼当选为全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员。1956年,西藏自治区筹备委员会成立,达赖喇嘛就任西藏自治区筹备委员会主任委员。
BC, our ancestors began living in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Later, after a long period of time, the Tibetan plateau of the many tribes scattered on the gradual unification, now a Tibetan.
Tubo Dynasty
In the seventh century, Tang Dynasty established a strong unity government. At the same time, the Tibetan hero Songtsan Gambo merger more than 10 tribes and clans, in the Tibetan plateau to achieve unification. Songtsan Gambo in office, determined to fix relationship with Tang government, learned of the Tang dynasty advanced production technology and political and cultural achievements. He had twice sent to the Minister request Tang government marry him, in the year 641 married women in the Tang Taizong of Princess Wencheng. Tang Emperor Gaozong Songtsan Gambo closure "of Ma Dou Wei", "West Sea Jun Wang," and then Jin called "Binwang." Tubo Songtsan Gambo laid the Tang Dynasty more than 200 years and the frequent exchanges between the "pro-Shengjiu Friends."
AD 821 years, Tibetan red-hot towels three Palestinian Changan request will be sent to the AU. Tangmu fate of Tibetan prime minister and other officials and UNITA officials will be in the western suburbs of Chang'an held a grand ceremony will UNITA. The following year, the Tang Dynasty and the Tibetan Association in the eastern suburbs of Lhasa. This will be the first year of the AU at the Tang Changqing (822) and 2002 (823), Shicheng "Changqing will UNITA." The two sides reiterated the AU will be history "and the same for a" pro-Shengjiu Yi to discuss the future "Sajik like." The AU will be recorded as the stone, "Tang Fan UNITA monument will be" a total of three, including a stand before the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa.
History of the jurisdiction of the Central Government of Tibet
The early 13th century, Genghis Khan in Mongolia in northern China to establish Khanate.
1271, Mongolia Khan regime for the country, for the yuan, in 1279 and unified the whole of China, the establishment of a unified central government, Tibet has become China's Yuan Dynasty Central Government under the direct control of an administrative region.
Since the mid-13th century, Tibet formally included in the territory after the Yuan Dynasty, although China has experienced several generations of the dynasty changed, many times the replacement of central authority, but Tibet has been under the jurisdiction of the central government.
After the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, thanks to a general closure policy, the political strength of the local religious leaders are all thanks to "King", "law King", "Guanding Division" name; inherit the throne of the emperor must be approved by the , Qian Shi canonized. Central to the Ming Dynasty Tibet governance, the approach followed the Yuan Dynasty, Tibet has set up Wusi, the duo Gan two "command to the Secretary for Health" and "thinking of the Russian military and civilian Marshal House" and management before and after the possession, Qamdo and Ngari area of Military and political affairs. During this period, Pazhu local government in Tibet, established in parts of the system, by the list of the executive heads, are delegated to the Ming dynasty official, it not only in this (equivalent to county head) and fate of the Central Registry.
In 1644 the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty, the governance of Tibet more closely to the central government in the exercise of sovereignty over Tibet under the jurisdiction of the policy to further institutionalize and legalize.
1652, the V Dalai Lama went to Beijing to see.
1653, The rule of Emperor Shun official canonization of the Tibetan religious leader for the Dalai Lama V and reward the Dalai golden book and seal, the Dalai Lama officially confirmed the titles.
1713, Emperor Kangxi canonized V Panchen Luosang benefit the West as "Panchen Erdeni" and formally identify the name of the Panchen Lama. Since then, the rule of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa, Tibet's most areas, the Panchen Erdeni in Xigaze, Tibet's another rule in some areas.
1727, the Qing dynasty established in Tibet minister, on behalf of the central administrative supervision of Tibet Tibet and Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai district sector, is in the formal demarcation of the staff at this time.
1750, again adjusted the management of the administrative system in Tibet, the abolition of Local King Executive system, the establishment of the Tibet local government (that is, "Gasha"), provides the Minister of Tibet and the Dalai Lama's Tibetan affairs of common control system.
1793, the Qing government minister on the terms of reference in Tibet, the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama reincarnation of living Buddhas and other large, the military border defense, foreign representations, finance, taxation, monetary casting and management, and the Temple of support and management, enacting the famous "Appointed in the aftermath of the Constitution", a total of 29. Since then more than 100 years, 29 of the Constitution established the basic principles of Tibet has been the administrative system of norms and regulations.
1949, the founding of the PRC. May 23, 1951, the Central People's Government and the local government of Tibet's peaceful liberation of Tibet on behalf of a range of issues to reach an agreement, signed the "Central People's Government and the Tibetan local government on the peaceful liberation of Tibet to the agreement" ( "17 Agreement ").
"17-Article Agreement" are the main contents:
On the one hand, the central government asked the local government of Tibet to actively assist the People's Liberation Army stationed in Tibet, and consolidating national defense, and resolutely expelled the imperialist forces, all foreign-related affairs in Tibet by the Central People's Government reunification; possession of the military gradually adapted to the People's Liberation Army.
On the other hand, the Central People's Government of Tibet and the Dalai Lama, the current system's inherent powers and not to change the status of respect for the customs of the Tibetan people, the protection of religious freedom, Tibet's social reforms and in consultation with the leading personnel of Tibet solution, In the implementation of regional ethnic autonomy in Tibet, and so on.
The Dalai Lama and the Panchen Erdeni were directed to the Central People's Government Chairman Mao Zedong, said support for "17-Article Agreement", determined to preserve the unity of the motherland's sovereignty over Tibet and all walks of life throughout the Tibetan monks and laymen who also expressed strong support for leaders. Since then, Tibet's history turned a new page.
1954, the Dalai Lama, Panchen Erdeni together to Beijing to attend the first session of the National People's Congress. At this meeting, the Dalai Lama was elected to vice chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, Panchen Erdeni elected to the National People's Congress Standing Committee members. 1956, the Tibet Autonomous Region Preparatory Committee, the Dalai Lama as chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region.
Therefore, I think the discussion in Tibet's history, should not be regarded as political discussion, I know Crobato very understanding of the history, I hope you can convince the administrator, so that we can discuss Tibet's history, just like the past, we discussed the history of Mongolia, Genghis Khan to discuss the same.
从公元前起,开始有先民居住在青藏高原。以后,经过漫长的岁月,西藏高原上分散的众多部落逐渐统一,成为现在的藏族。吐蕃王朝 公元七世纪初,唐朝建立起强大的统一政权。与此同时,藏族的民族英雄松赞干布兼并十余个部落和部族,在西藏高原实现统一。松赞干布在位期间,锐意修好唐廷,吸取唐朝的先进生产技术和政治文化成果。他曾两次派遣大臣赴唐廷求婚,于公元641年迎娶了唐太宗的宗女文成公主。唐高宗封松赞干布为“附马都尉”、“西海郡王”,后又晋封为“宾王”。松赞干布奠定了吐蕃与唐朝200余年频繁往来的“甥舅亲谊”。 公元821年,吐蕃王赤热巴巾三次派员到长安请求会盟。唐穆宗命宰相等官员与吐蕃会盟官员在长安西郊举行了隆重的会盟仪式。次年,唐朝与吐蕃结盟于拉萨东郊。此次会盟时在唐长庆元年(822年)和二年(823年),史称“长庆会盟”。会盟双方重申了历史上“和同为一家”的甥舅亲谊,商议今后“社稷如一”。记载这次会盟内容的石刻“唐蕃会盟碑”共有三块,其中一块立于拉萨大昭寺前。历代中央政府对西藏的管辖 13世纪初,成吉思汗在中国北部建立蒙古汗国。 1271年,蒙古汗政权定国号为元,并于1279年统一全中国,建立了统一的中央政权,西藏成为中国元朝中央政府直接治理下的一个行政区域。 自13世纪中叶西藏地区正式归入元朝版图后,中国虽然经历了几代王朝的兴替,多次更换中央政权,但西藏一直处于中央政府的管辖之下。 1368年明朝建立后,采取了普遍封赐的政策,对具有政治实力的地方诸教派首领均赐加以“王”、“法王”、“灌顶国师”等名号;王位的继承必须经皇帝批准,遣使册封。明朝中央对西藏地方的治理,沿袭了元朝的办法,先后设置乌思藏、朵甘两个“卫指挥使司”和“俄力思军民元帅府”,分别管理前后藏、昌都和阿里地区的军政事务。其间,帕竹地方政权在西藏部分地区建立了宗本制度,所任各宗的行政首脑,明朝皆授以官职,使其既为宗本(相当于县长)又为中央命官。 1644年清朝取代明朝,对西藏的治理更加严密,使中央政府在西藏行使主权管辖的施政进一步制度化、法律化。 1652年,五世达赖进京入见。 1653年,顺治皇帝颁赐金册、金印,敕封五世达赖,正式确定了达赖喇嘛的封号。 1713年,康熙皇帝册封五世班禅罗桑益西为“班禅额尔德尼”,正式确定了班禅喇嘛的名号。自此,达赖喇嘛在拉萨统治西藏的大部分地区,班禅额尔德尼在日喀则统治西藏的另一部分地区。 1727年,清朝设立驻藏大臣,代表中央监督西藏地方行政;西藏与四川、云南、青海的区界,就是于此时派员正式勘定的。 1750年,再次调整管理西藏的行政体制,废除郡王制度,建立西藏地方政府(即“噶厦”),规定了驻藏大臣与达赖喇嘛共同掌握西藏事务的体制。 1793年,清朝政府就驻藏大臣的职权、达赖与班禅及其他大活佛转世、边界军事防务、对外交涉、财政税收、货币铸造与管理,以及寺院的供养和管理等,颁布了著名的《钦定藏内善后章程》,共29条。此后100余年,29条章程确定的基本原则一直是西藏地方行政体制和法规的规范。 1949年,中华人民共和国成立。1951年5月23日,中央人民政府和西藏地方政府的代表就西藏和平解放的一系列问题达成协议,签订了《中央人民政府和西藏地方政府关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》(简称“十七条协议”)。 “十七条协议”的主要内容是: 一方面,中央政府要求西藏地方政府积极协助人民解放军进驻西藏,巩固国防,坚决驱逐帝国主义势力;西藏地区一切涉外事务由中央人民政府统一处理;藏军逐步改编为人民解放军。 另一方面,中央人民政府对西藏现行制度及达赖喇嘛的固有地位及职权不予变更;尊重西藏人民的风俗习惯,宗教信仰自由得到保护,西藏的社会改革,采取与西藏领导人员协商解决,在西藏实行民族区域自治等。达赖喇嘛和班禅额尔德尼分别致电中央人民政府主席毛泽东,表示拥护“十七条协议”,决心维护祖国主权的统一;西藏各阶层僧俗人士和各地藏族领袖也表示坚决支持。从此,西藏历史翻开了新的一页。 1954年,达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼联袂赴北京参加中华人民共和国第一届全国人民代表大会。在这次会议上,达赖喇嘛当选为全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长,班禅额尔德尼当选为全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员。1956年,西藏自治区筹备委员会成立,达赖喇嘛就任西藏自治区筹备委员会主任委员。
BC, our ancestors began living in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Later, after a long period of time, the Tibetan plateau of the many tribes scattered on the gradual unification, now a Tibetan.
Tubo Dynasty
In the seventh century, Tang Dynasty established a strong unity government. At the same time, the Tibetan hero Songtsan Gambo merger more than 10 tribes and clans, in the Tibetan plateau to achieve unification. Songtsan Gambo in office, determined to fix relationship with Tang government, learned of the Tang dynasty advanced production technology and political and cultural achievements. He had twice sent to the Minister request Tang government marry him, in the year 641 married women in the Tang Taizong of Princess Wencheng. Tang Emperor Gaozong Songtsan Gambo closure "of Ma Dou Wei", "West Sea Jun Wang," and then Jin called "Binwang." Tubo Songtsan Gambo laid the Tang Dynasty more than 200 years and the frequent exchanges between the "pro-Shengjiu Friends."
AD 821 years, Tibetan red-hot towels three Palestinian Changan request will be sent to the AU. Tangmu fate of Tibetan prime minister and other officials and UNITA officials will be in the western suburbs of Chang'an held a grand ceremony will UNITA. The following year, the Tang Dynasty and the Tibetan Association in the eastern suburbs of Lhasa. This will be the first year of the AU at the Tang Changqing (822) and 2002 (823), Shicheng "Changqing will UNITA." The two sides reiterated the AU will be history "and the same for a" pro-Shengjiu Yi to discuss the future "Sajik like." The AU will be recorded as the stone, "Tang Fan UNITA monument will be" a total of three, including a stand before the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa.
History of the jurisdiction of the Central Government of Tibet
The early 13th century, Genghis Khan in Mongolia in northern China to establish Khanate.
1271, Mongolia Khan regime for the country, for the yuan, in 1279 and unified the whole of China, the establishment of a unified central government, Tibet has become China's Yuan Dynasty Central Government under the direct control of an administrative region.
Since the mid-13th century, Tibet formally included in the territory after the Yuan Dynasty, although China has experienced several generations of the dynasty changed, many times the replacement of central authority, but Tibet has been under the jurisdiction of the central government.
After the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, thanks to a general closure policy, the political strength of the local religious leaders are all thanks to "King", "law King", "Guanding Division" name; inherit the throne of the emperor must be approved by the , Qian Shi canonized. Central to the Ming Dynasty Tibet governance, the approach followed the Yuan Dynasty, Tibet has set up Wusi, the duo Gan two "command to the Secretary for Health" and "thinking of the Russian military and civilian Marshal House" and management before and after the possession, Qamdo and Ngari area of Military and political affairs. During this period, Pazhu local government in Tibet, established in parts of the system, by the list of the executive heads, are delegated to the Ming dynasty official, it not only in this (equivalent to county head) and fate of the Central Registry.
In 1644 the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty, the governance of Tibet more closely to the central government in the exercise of sovereignty over Tibet under the jurisdiction of the policy to further institutionalize and legalize.
1652, the V Dalai Lama went to Beijing to see.
1653, The rule of Emperor Shun official canonization of the Tibetan religious leader for the Dalai Lama V and reward the Dalai golden book and seal, the Dalai Lama officially confirmed the titles.
1713, Emperor Kangxi canonized V Panchen Luosang benefit the West as "Panchen Erdeni" and formally identify the name of the Panchen Lama. Since then, the rule of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa, Tibet's most areas, the Panchen Erdeni in Xigaze, Tibet's another rule in some areas.
1727, the Qing dynasty established in Tibet minister, on behalf of the central administrative supervision of Tibet Tibet and Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai district sector, is in the formal demarcation of the staff at this time.
1750, again adjusted the management of the administrative system in Tibet, the abolition of Local King Executive system, the establishment of the Tibet local government (that is, "Gasha"), provides the Minister of Tibet and the Dalai Lama's Tibetan affairs of common control system.
1793, the Qing government minister on the terms of reference in Tibet, the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama reincarnation of living Buddhas and other large, the military border defense, foreign representations, finance, taxation, monetary casting and management, and the Temple of support and management, enacting the famous "Appointed in the aftermath of the Constitution", a total of 29. Since then more than 100 years, 29 of the Constitution established the basic principles of Tibet has been the administrative system of norms and regulations.
1949, the founding of the PRC. May 23, 1951, the Central People's Government and the local government of Tibet's peaceful liberation of Tibet on behalf of a range of issues to reach an agreement, signed the "Central People's Government and the Tibetan local government on the peaceful liberation of Tibet to the agreement" ( "17 Agreement ").
"17-Article Agreement" are the main contents:
On the one hand, the central government asked the local government of Tibet to actively assist the People's Liberation Army stationed in Tibet, and consolidating national defense, and resolutely expelled the imperialist forces, all foreign-related affairs in Tibet by the Central People's Government reunification; possession of the military gradually adapted to the People's Liberation Army.
On the other hand, the Central People's Government of Tibet and the Dalai Lama, the current system's inherent powers and not to change the status of respect for the customs of the Tibetan people, the protection of religious freedom, Tibet's social reforms and in consultation with the leading personnel of Tibet solution, In the implementation of regional ethnic autonomy in Tibet, and so on.
The Dalai Lama and the Panchen Erdeni were directed to the Central People's Government Chairman Mao Zedong, said support for "17-Article Agreement", determined to preserve the unity of the motherland's sovereignty over Tibet and all walks of life throughout the Tibetan monks and laymen who also expressed strong support for leaders. Since then, Tibet's history turned a new page.
1954, the Dalai Lama, Panchen Erdeni together to Beijing to attend the first session of the National People's Congress. At this meeting, the Dalai Lama was elected to vice chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, Panchen Erdeni elected to the National People's Congress Standing Committee members. 1956, the Tibet Autonomous Region Preparatory Committee, the Dalai Lama as chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region.
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