the truth behind y-10


New Member
i've been looking at the pictures from the general military photo forums. ANd came across the pictures of y-10. WHen the first time i've heard about y-10 was a while ago and i thought it was just concept. now i realize it actually existed in a protoype from resarch and such. And what else i found out is the Mcdonelle douglas actually cooperated with china on the development of y-10 until boeing bought them. Now from what i read on many sites it's that, that there is many specilations that. It was consirpacy that boeing wants china to buy planes instead of producing on its own. ALso it was scraped b/c of fininicial diffculties at the time. Developing a civil airliner wasn't a big pirority. regardless of the reasons, China's ablitiy to produce large planes was hampered b/c the y-10 was scraped.
But what are everyone's thought on iT?
thanks for your inputs