the fall of song dynasty


Banned Idiot
Song dynasty was a glorious culture, but the weak force dynasty.before Mongolian eradicated Song dynasty,the Nuzhen people occupied half of the territory of Song dynasty, that is to say, only the Song Dynasty governance south of the Yangtze River of China's territory - known as the Southern Song Dynasty history. While the Nuzhen people in the North China established Jin dynasty, the capital of the Jin dynasty in Beijing, Beijing is the first time in the history of China's capital.the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty in Hangzhou.
Apart from the Song Dynasty brilliant culture, but political corruption, debilitating, and constantly subject to external aggression, a humiliation, shame, no mention of it all right.
The fate of national hero Yue Fei, how sad.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
As referenced to the author that wrote about the fall of Song Dynasty (posted by Mr Crobato), I must disagree on some of the things that the author had mentioned.

But I agreed with the author that Song dynasty military was not necessarily weak. However I disagreed that the neighbouring countries militaries are that much stronger.

Song military is not weak at all and her neighbour is not that much stronger. However Song dynasty at that time is reek with corruption and the morale of the troops are not necessarily very high, unlike the peak period of Tang and Han.

In Song dynasty we saw alot of scientific innovations (I will provide the link when I find them)but not alot of them are for the military usage. Chinese at that time treasured scholars more than military leaders.

Unlike the Mongols, Jin and Liao people who practically trained their troops from young (especially the Mongols). These give them an edge against the physically weaker Chinese at that time. Although there are many famous generals and warriors such as Yue Fei at that period of time but the main thing that is pulling these people back was no one but the kings at that time.

During the Tang and the Han period, especially the Han period under Han Wu Di, the Han defeated Xiong Nu not because Xiong Nu are weak, but mainly because the Hans are focus, the troops had high morale and the emperor know how to use people, he know who to use and to do what specific tasks.

During the Song period, the emperor is practically useless, weak and undecisive. That is why, even with superior weapons and great scientific innovation, the Song still couldn't withstand the Mongols or on the earlier part the Liao and the Jin.

Anyway that is my two cents. Thanks.


VIP Professional
What makes the Song different from the Han and the Tang, is that the Song put checks on the military leadership. Thus what may appear "traitorious" is actually the civilian leadership putting a check on generals that are too popular or too powerful. Why did the Song do that? Again, check earlier history. Too many powerful and popular generals eventually develop their own agendas and become warlords. Once military power surpasses civilian power, it leads to civil war.

I would say that all Chinese dynasties are corrupt. Heck I think all governments are corrupt one way or another. But unlike other dynasties, the Song did not end with a peasant revolt.

For all its "weakness", the greatest conqueror on Earth that ever lived, Genghiz Khan, never did conquer the Southern Song. It took 41 years for the Mongols to conquer the Song, and for them to do that, required many Song generals to actually turn over to the Yuan, and did so due to their belief that the Manifest of Heaven has passed from the Song to the Yuan. And it also took a special catapault from the Middle East to do that.

In a way, the Song is the most "democratic" of all the dynasties because they have the most checks and balances to absolute power. The most despotic is probably the Qin, followed by the first Ming emperor, who probably was the first "communist" type ruler in China. Of course those checks and balances didn't help the Song a bit, but they did at least prevent the dynasty from having too many despots.

In addition to gunpowder and other technological innovations, the Song is noted for having the first professional army, even though the loyalties of such are questionable, since a lot are criminals, mercenaries, nomads or non ethnic Han. But nonetheless seem to be good in what they do.

The Song never controlled the northern grasslands at that start, and that prevented from breeding a large cavalry forces. But they did develop special commandos that look fancily and fiercely dressed, carrying Zhammadao (Zambato) or any of those long handled dao, that will chop down a rider. It took a lot of guts, training, and muscle to do that, but you can see where they are getting their soldiers from.

Most importantly, the Song did develop China's first professional Navy, they used not just to secure trade routes to Japan, Korea, and the rest of Asia, but the strategic sea superiority prevented the northern armies from crossing the Yangtze or landing along China's coasts along major rivers, lakes and seas.


Banned Idiot
In the Song dynasty military weakness, the decision is innate. before Song Dynasty was established, China was split and chaotic situation, the North and the South China separated, a number of constantly changing regime, war and turmoil, chaotic situation had been lasted more than 200 years.
It was at that time, the Qidan people in northern China to establish a powerful nation - Liao, and the opportunity occupied a large swathe of territory in northern China, these are the territory of the strategic northern China, including the Great Wall had been Liao occupation.
Song dynasty is in such an environment was established, from its beginning in the establishment was under military threaten of a strong Liao nation, the establishment of the early Song Dynasty, and had repeatedly fighting operation with Liao,attempt to regain the occupied northern territories, the famous Generals of the Yangs were all died for fighting during this period.
after long period of war, the Song had been at a disadvantage, lost more than it won after,the state consumed enormous, an important military reasons, the Liao monopoly of the North China's horses,Lack of horses in the Song Dynasty, it is difficult to resist the offensive Liao Cavalry, lost their military superiority, and finally the Song with Liao signed a peace treaty, contribut to the Liao each year a lot of money.
and worse is, in northwestern China, the Xixia also took the opportunity powerful, and the war also between Song and Xixia ,Song Dynasty army suffered a crushing defeat,20,000 soldiers were killed,the rest fled. Song Dynasty was forced to sign the final peace treaty with Xixia, the annual contribution of lot of money to the Xixia.
From then on the Song dynasty military was going to weakness.
Song Dynasty political darkness, corruption, and stirred up the people to continually resistance and revolt, the Song increasingly frail, finally, Nuzhen people( Jin ) occupied the northern territories of Song Dynasty,and captured emperor of the Song Dynasty, imprisoned deferred to the north, who were abused to death.
Song dynasty retreated south of the Yangtze River, that is, shame on the history of the Southern Song dynasty.
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