If that's the case, then there could potentially be a third aircraft in development?
Anyhow, I came across a rather interesting concept: Stealth penetration bomber on carrier. I was over on secretprojectfourms and found a mention to the ATA program in the 80s
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Since right now the Chinese carrier fleet do not seem to have any deep penetration striker/bombers to provide air support in a densely defended area as J-35s unlike the F-35 do not seem to be designed with strike as a primary mission parameter instead being mostly for air superiority and fleet defense. Perhaps it would be better for them to have a separate aircraft for this purpose like the ATA program, it could take the form of a large drone plausibly a design based on an enlarged navalized CH-7 or a manned aircraft or maybe honestly they could just somehow put the J-36 on the deck of a carrier. Potentially with the 004 rumored to be even larger than the G.R Ford class, fitting a few J-36s on a carrier shouldn't be much of an issue, possibly requiring them to further reinforce the deck to take the force such a large aircraft landing but being fair the US landed a C-130 with an empty weight of 83000 pounds on a carrier once.
Sure, the H-20 could probably perform these strikes if needed but I believe having dedicated VLO strikers or atleast a stealth multirole aircraft that could carry cruise missiles and large guided bombs on carriers will greatly shorten response time especially with China not having airbases around the world. I believe this might be a good way to massively increase PLA's projection of power without relying on third party bases aboard.