The UK is the best ally the US has. For the UK parliment to cut back the RN has much that is proposed is indeed treasonist!...Once the most powerful navy the the world the RN stands on the verge of ruin.
This seems a common misconception amongst some American posters I've seen on various forums. Unlike Congress which does sometimes engage in cuts (or budget increases), Parliament generally follows the spending plans of the government. The problem we have is that Tony Blair is making the MoD fight two wars, but Gordon Brown and the treasury is refusing to fund them fully enough. They're also letting defence spending slip as a proportion of GDP.
However, you are completely right that more money is needed for the RN. It simply won't do to have it decline slowly, as that will just hemorage jobs. Unless Labour seriously wants the RN to turn into a glorified coastguard, we need the first 6 Darings completed (if another two aren't ordered soon they will need to be replaced with something else), 2 CVF, 7/8 Astutes and a real project to replace the F-22s & F-23s.
The one saving grace is that at the moment the rumours of cuts are just that - rumours. Also there is no consensus that they will go ahead on the UK armed forces forums I've visited, even amongst those in the service. This may be a case of the Telegraph stirring up a little trouble, as a pro-Tory newspaper. I can only hope.
Exactly! As Obi Wan pointed out what would happen if the Argintine mounted an attack on the Falklands again? How long would it take the UK to respond? what sort of force could they muster up in a short order? The Falklands may fall to the Argintine. I hope it never ahppens.
Popeye, given the UK's backing in recent American operations (and global diplomacy), can we ever expect to rely on the US for direct military help - you mentioned the Falklands, for example. Or do you think future US Presidents would just shrug their shoulders and complain there's "nothing" they can do if our interests were attacked but the US' weren't?
"Well Gosh you know, you can trust me I'm just a reguar guy, but hey, do you realise that the UK spends nearly as much on the Royal Navy as it does on important things like Legal Aid on the Fees of Human Rights solicitors? yeah like my wife Cherie and our best friends.
It really is deplorable that millions of people in this country and abroad are being deprivied of essential legal services from the UK tax payer because of an outmoded and no longer relevant adherence to old fashioned doctrines which dictate.........."
Hey, I never voted for the git. But sadly too many people were taken in by his smarm. And unfortunately John Major was the wrong man at the wrong time in the wrong position.
Zergling: Merged posts for you. C'mon Fu, you've been here for a while.