Lieutenant General
I've been getting 403 error messages sometimes going through different pages. I go back and then click on the page again and sometimes the error message shows again, sometimes it's back to normal.
Sure. Let me see what I can do.View attachment 131905
Any chance we can get this at the top of the page as well?
Prev/Next page buttons. Searching older content in the threads currently requires scrolling to the bottom of the page to click prev/next.
Where do these warnings appear on my profile? I have not seen these messages.If you are _killuminati_, the there have been 4 official warnings altogether for various reasons ranging from inappropriate Content, political stuff, personnel insults, and so on ... in December you got this:
"this is now the third warning due to an inappropriate post or personnel insult! Stop this or face a ban next time." .... as such you next (in fact over next) post was just a ban without any further warning since you have been warned more than once!
By the way, multiple accounts are just another reason for a permanent ban?