Being the handsome chap that I am, I have no problem with this topic. Golly on the other hand, may feel threatened by talk of masculinity
But seriously I'm sure this topic is of interest to sociology students and we should be mature enough to discuss it> except me, I'm not mature enough to discuss it without trying to get the rise out of someone. But the rest of you should be.
My first hand experience of Eastern culture
in the east is limited to Japan, but as an observation young males in Japan seem to follow a more "Emo" fashion trend which most would consider more feminine. not everyone obviously, but it's more common there than say UK or US. Japanese amine (spelt how?) clearly reflects (or drives?) the Emo look.
Popular male fashion incorporating characteristics that we might consider feminine is hardly anything new - 16th Century euopean gentlemen wore tights, frock coats, frilly collars and wigs, and wore rouge. Scotsmen still wear skirts. And British soldiers still wear smocks. haha. I used to have an SAS "Smock" (considered "Gucci kit" back in my days) - my friends laughed when I mentioned wearing a smock and somehow I just didn't get it.