they are just not broadcast that much, but I think they've done a lot of work here. We always read stories about new torpedo been tested. We certainly saw a lot of Yu-6 photos coming out when it first started mass production, but not as much since. This is just one of those topics that people really haven't looked into and PLAN have been happy to hide about.
The history of new Chinese torpedo Yu-6 is interesting.
The torpedo is analog (not a clone) of American Mk 48.
Yu-6 is a fruit of Russian-Chinese cooperation. Gidropribor and Morteplotekhnika were participants from Russia. Development contract (1990 – 2002) has come to the end with delivery of 211TT1 torpedo compartments to China by Gidropribor.
Offered by Rosoboronexport since 2001 variant of this torpedo (TT-1) had the following characteristics.
TT-1 Multipurpose Thermal-Powered Wire-Guided Homing Torpedo comprises:
- warhead section containing an explosive charge and a combined impact and proximity exploder;
- a dual-mode single-fuel thermal propulsion system, which comprises an axial piston engine and a water-jet propeller;
- onboard electronics comprising a gimballess inertial navigation system, an adaptive noise-proof active/passive homing system used against submarines in deep and shallow waters, a surface ship wake homing system, a wire guidance system used to steer the torpedo towards the target under heavy noise conditions or towards the point of the greatest field disturbance where the torpedo's homing system is activated.
The torpedo's advantages are:
- high reliability achieved through implementing the weapon's reliability-oriented design and production concept;
- a built-in automated test system;
- modular design, which gives it a modernization and diversification capability (the torpedo can be converted into a mine);
- long service life and low operating costs.
TT-1 Basic Characteristics:
Caliber - 533 mm
Length (two versions) - 7,200/ 5,895 mm
Weight of torpedo (two versions) - 2,000/ 1,700 kg
Weight explosive charge (TNT equivalent) - 425 kg
Storage aboard platform, month - up to 12