PLA Ground Forces news, pics and videos


Hardened shelters for helicopters.



A screenshot of an academic paper(?) that states Nanjing University of Science and Technology leads China in the development of precision guidance kits (PGK), which turns ordinary unguided munitions into precision guided ones. The illustrations show a PGK on a 105mm artillery round, a PGK mated to a 120mm mortar round, and a PGK on a 122mm rocket.



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A screenshot of an academic paper(?) that states Nanjing University of Science and Technology leads China in the development of precision guidance kits (PGK), which turns ordinary unguided munitions into precision guided ones. The illustrations show a PGK on a 105mm artillery round, a PGK mated to a 120mm mortar round, and a PGK on a 122mm rocket.


Interesting, indeed.
This looks somewhat similar to the M1156 PGK for 155mm shells that the US has developed, which from my reading is actually a very good concept and good product as well (and quite a bit more affordable than the likes of the similar guided 155mm excalibur round).

If they could scale this to tube artillery (122mm, 155mm) and rocket artillery calibres (122mm) that the PLA uses which are not routinely guided (i.e.: 300mm and 370mm rocket artillery are usually guided at their distances), and assuming it is sufficiently affordable, this could prove to be a rather useful product to procure.