PLA army division battle order

Red Guard

Junior Member
I wish this thread could turn out to be a battle order thread for all different kind of divisions. now i will start with a mech.infantry division, and more detail will be filled in later on, as i find them from my friends.

one mech infantry division is formed by
2 mech infantry regiment
1 armoured regiment
1 artillery regiment
1 air defence artillery regiment
one mortorized infantry division (most of the PLA infantry divisions)
3 motorzied infantry regiment
1 artillery regiment
1 air defence artillery regiment
1 armoured battallion
1 field engineer battalion
1 supply battalion
1 communication squadron
1 MP squadron ( i am not really sure if it is MP)
1 biochemical warfare squadron

i will try to find the next order from regiment to battalion.
and here is one of my favourite pic, to all your PLA fans

and i don't know how to post pic. if i do it again, people will say i doubt post, just forget it...


Junior Member
Red Guard said:
i will try to find the next order from regiment to battalion.
and here is one of my favourite pic, to all your PLA fans

and i don't know how to post pic. if i do it again, people will say i doubt post, just forget it...

hey!!! i wanna see that pic!!!

come on goll, can he double post just this once? pretty please with cherry on top? lol...

nice breakdown of PLA army formation... it seems that they are very modern with their doctrine... however it is noticeable that they have a rather higher infantry proportion than most militaries... which is really not surprising lol


VIP Professional
Registered Member
come on goll, can he double post just this once? pretty please with cherry on top? lol...

Well the pictures are exeption as only five pics can be included in one post. Tough if he want's to post just one pic, it can easily made by editing his post. And if some of you still doesen't know how to post pics and or doesent read the annouchment section i will do this one last time.

How to post a pic? Well between the title par and this window were you actually post stuff, there are different buttons that will help you. The yelllow button which has like two-peaked mountains in grey is the image buutton. Clikc it and a window pops up. To this window post the URL adress of the pic to it and press OK. Now if you don't know hwats the URL adress of your pic go to the pictures propherties and you find it there. If you use a uploaded images like from remember to just copy the DIRECT LINK TO THE PICTURE e.g. plain URL adress, forget the thumbnails for forums stuff, they don't work in here.

Red Guard

Junior Member
well, apearantly, i can't upload my favourite pic, too bad......


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  • 63式装具 _解放军.jpg
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Junior Member
Hey, thanks for the pics! But can you explain where the picture with the paratroopers came from?

So, I know that there's a big difference between Mech and Motorised infantry in the PLA, but what of the Canadian or American armies? Do they define Mech as infantry combating in APC's and motorised infantry as having motorised transport or something else?


Bow Seat
VIP Professional
Obcession said:
Hey, thanks for the pics! But can you explain where the picture with the paratroopers came from?

So, I know that there's a big difference between Mech and Motorised infantry in the PLA, but what of the Canadian or American armies? Do they define Mech as infantry combating in APC's and motorised infantry as having motorised transport or something else?

Well, you don't have those nomination in the US and Canadian Army. Because in Canada, we have mechanized infrantry with LAV III and dismounted or light infantry (foot soldier) there's only 6 battalion of regular mechanized and 3 battalion of regular light infantry. All reserve are dismounted infantry. The dismounted infantry can be moved by vehicule, but will be fighting on foot most of the time. The US have Infantry and Cavalry unit. Cavalry don't dismount when fighting while Infantry has to, it's the only difference...

Red Guard

Junior Member
Obcession said:
Hey, thanks for the pics! But can you explain where the picture with the paratroopers came from?

So, I know that there's a big difference between Mech and Motorised infantry in the PLA, but what of the Canadian or American armies? Do they define Mech as infantry combating in APC's and motorised infantry as having motorised transport or something else?

what do you mean where it is from???? from internet???? people post it on thread, i save it on my from as i could tell from what they are wearing, i think this pic is took in the early 90s, as they are wearing a weird uniform with type 56. and i have that backpack they use, it only costs 6 canadian bucks, muahahaha
i actually wnated you guys to focus more on the second pic, if anyone would tell me what i am trying to show ont hat pic?

does anyone want me to start a new thread with all of the PLA soldier pics i collected in it?????


  • 海军陆战队.jpg
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Junior Member
very nice pics!!!

i can really tell the nationalism in those pics...

hey about the last pic, the one with the blue uniformed officer, if u look closely, he has his bullets put around his gun holster as if its some revolver or something while he's using a semi-auto!!! lol!!!! its really funny...

it seems he's a.... captain?
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Junior Member
"i think this pic is took in the early 90s, as they are wearing a weird uniform with type 56. "

I mean which exercise is this picture from?

To Chopsticks:

Hm, that is strange. Shouldn't he be carrying his clips for his pistol inside ammunition bags? And just another question, do they actually carry the knife on their chest? I thought carrying it on the leg would make more sense.

Red Guard

Junior Member
first, no, i don't know which exercise this photo is taken from, as i would not know every single exercise they took unfortunatly...........:D

if you ask that, i don't know why, there are lots of holster designed like that in china. it's not for clips. obviously, a pistol on the battlefield is only for self defence when you are cornered or loss your main battle weapon. so if you are not carrying a punch for a pistol which would be heavy, you should put some bullets somewhere in case you need a reload. so some holsters are designed with this feature.
and this is a photo from the early 90s, when the marine was first being considered as a battle force. there is this colonel, i think he is somehow a senior colonel now....he designed this BDU, and some say this webbing is also designed by him. it didn't last long though.....
about the rank, no, he isn't a captain. a captain would have 1 bar with 3 stars on it. this rank is senior sergant (as corporal--> sergant --> senior sergant). this is the old rank before 2000, they use chevrons now.
if you ever see these bar ranks.
1 thin bar is a private (new recruit, fresh out of boot camp for the first year)
1 thin bar is a second class private (stayed in service for the second year)
1 thin bar with 1 fat bar is a corporal
2 thin....................... is a sergant
3 a senior sergant
then there is the 2nd lt with 1 bar 1 star
between there are several classes of tech sergant.
after 2000, it's almost the same thing. as
1 thin chevron private
2 thin chevrons sec private
then there is a symble with 1 thin chevron is 1st class sergant
and 1 fat chevron 2nd class sergant
and almost the same so on
the symble changes once in 2 classes, just little difference.