One Gutsy Admiral!


New Member
The general did not cross over the line. He said he would argue against war with Iran and not make preparation for it if it's still in discussion stage. But if it became an order, he would resign. This is completely in line with proper military conduct. You make your opinion loud and clear when the issue is been debated, and you follow your order when it's no longer debated. If your conscience is against the natural of the order, you resign instead of disobeying the order.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
The general did not cross over the line. He said he would argue against war with Iran and not make preparation for it if it's still in discussion stage. But if it became an order, he would resign. This is completely in line with proper military conduct. You make your opinion loud and clear when the issue is been debated, and you follow your order when it's no longer debated. If your conscience is against the natural of the order, you resign instead of disobeying the order.
We disagree. Buy going public and, in essence, issueing a challenge to his superiors and CINC, IMHO Admiral Fallon did cross a line. I believe that is what led to his resignation, that action, not immenent plans for war. But that is simply my opinion...nothing more.


Senior Member
On the surface the "surge" seems to be working. But I think all it does is to make Iraq safe for Iran.

I suspect all this (the resignation) is a sign that brings us closer to a war with Iran, even though Gates says its "ridiculous".

Yup, so safe for Iran that Ahmadinejad recently visited Iraq. The visit was apparently much more in public than the secretive visits, due to security reasons, that other leaders had to take.
Lends some credence to the argument that the better security situation in Iraq has more to do with Iran than the surge.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
The general did not cross over the line. He said he would argue against war with Iran and not make preparation for it if it's still in discussion stage. But if it became an order, he would resign. This is completely in line with proper military conduct. You make your opinion loud and clear when the issue is been debated, and you follow your order when it's no longer debated. If your conscience is against the natural of the order, you resign instead of disobeying the order.

I would have to agree with you here xuansu. And I would indeed have a good deal more confidence in the professional strategic judgement of the fair Admiral than I would of much of the political leadership, who not only lack such professional judgement themselves, but indeed have tended to eschew it until circumstances finally compelled them to accept it - more or less. That said, Jeff's right that it is the Government, not Flag Officers, who make policy; but if the policy set gravely infringes upon a professional military officer's conscience, not to mention professional judgement, then he is indeed bound to resign rather than carry out orders that he cannot in good conscience abide by.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Well, some politicians in both US Senate and Congress are saying this resignation shows independent views are not welcome in this administration.


And that surprises you? This is a classic instance of the Bush Administration doing one of their signature moves: replacing a competent offical because he is not "loyal" enough. Sorry for the politics, but I feel like I have to say it.

Personally I don't think that this will move us closer to war with Iran because I don't think that is on the agenda right now. Many in the Bush Administration would like it to be; it would be if we were in a better geopolitical position but I think the current state of affairs is such that even Bush's "non-reality based"* policymaking is forced to make compromises. Simply put it is not a military possibility and even they have to admit that.

*references an actual quote by a Bush Admin. official.


Junior Member
It doesnt surprise me one bit actually. I mean, just look at the track history of ignoring all the warnings of the military not being able to handle the aftermath of Iraq invasion. They choose to believe what they wanted to believe...

Adm Fallon gone doesnt mean certain war with Iran, but it does mean a certain tougher line from the US...much tougher.


Lieutenant General
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well, it really depends on the election. There is certainly not enough time left for Dick Cheney to get Bush into another war. Of course, these civilian neocons who have never served a day in the military thinks that they know all the solutions better than decorated 4 star admirals. The issue is with the neocon idealists, not with the people in the military. When you get a clash between military head and civilian head, the military one normally goes.