Off to school!!!

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Last year this time I started a thread in the old forum named Off to school. I wuz gonna post a link for that . But that thread has disappeared from the old forum which I have saved on my favorites..:(

Yep ..many of you fellows will heading off to school very soon:D Not me ..I finished school in 1971..acient history:p Anyway, What I would like to know is who's starting college? Who's still in High school? Anybody going to some kind of tech school? Who's just a bum hangin' around moochin'(living) off your parents?:roll:

I already know what Sumdud doing..What about the rest of you guys?????:confused:


Junior Member
I'm starting school as a Freshman at the U of M this fall, I'm moving into the dorms on the 30th, and classes officially start on the 5th of September.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Eh, it's my second year studying mechanical engineering. I'm pretty excited going back because now that I am done with most of my pointless gen eds, I can now start my actual engineering classes. :nana:


VIP Professional
Registered Member
For me this the third year starting in my engineer studies...knid waiting for it as compared to work the first term is more like a holliday:D Tough I have too much schoolwork left behind that i must finish, so quess no hollidays for golly in this year:(


Junior Member
AHRGG!!!!! the "back too school" comercials arnt enough now you people have to remind me too. whats the world coming to?:mad:
oh well guess i only got 2 more years of high school:D


The Punisher
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last year of highschool... argh, IB12, it's gonna be hell. and i've discovered at the summer camp (normal sleeping time was 1:00am~7:30am) that coffee does absolutely nothing to me, i still fell asleep in lectures during the camp with 2 cups of coffee in my stomach...

anyway, looking forward to june as may is the IB exam month, so basically we'll be done by the end of may and i'll be there to watch the regular kids suffer thru provincial exams. :roll: :roll: :nana:


Senior Member
VIP Professional

Oh, comm'on, why do you have to start this thread again........
School sucks, work rocks. Popeye, I am sure you liked working in the navy. Not much homework there.....

Got treasurer duties (Unlike popeye, I got drafted....:D) Got class schedules to really mess around with. (AOF problems) College tests (ACT, SAT2, maybe another SAT) and college app. (Got to get to Incentive awards too....)

Sea Dog

Junior Member
VIP Professional
I didn't realize some of you were so young. Well, good for you guys pursuing your educations. I graduated college in 1990, served as an officer in the U.S. military, and now work grinding 40-50 hour weeks as an engineer/analyst in the commercial space sector.

Enjoy your time where you guys are at. Because the learning doesn't end there. For you engineer types out there, get your head into learning how to find solutions to unknown problems. Problems that nobody's seen, aren't documented, yet they need solutions. That's what makes that kind of work interesting.

Good luck with your studies and enjoy.