"New York police chief Ray Kelly raised eyebrows on the CBS show "60 Minutes" Sunday when he said his police department has the means to knock an airplane out of the sky."
"On Monday, in response to questions from reporters, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, “The NYPD has lots of capabilities that you don’t know about and you won’t know about.” "
These two citations are taken from this article:
Three questions:
What anti-air capability can NYPD have?
Does anyone know of similar capabilities with the police services of other cities in the World?
And most important:
What remains of public accountability if a police service can have "lots of capabilities that you don’t know about and you won’t know about"?
"On Monday, in response to questions from reporters, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, “The NYPD has lots of capabilities that you don’t know about and you won’t know about.” "
These two citations are taken from this article:
Three questions:
What anti-air capability can NYPD have?
Does anyone know of similar capabilities with the police services of other cities in the World?
And most important:
What remains of public accountability if a police service can have "lots of capabilities that you don’t know about and you won’t know about"?