Non-appearance of moderator warning before ban

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Entschuldigen Sie bitte, @Deino. The purpose of this post is to note a glitch that I recently experienced with moderator warnings, in connection with the two-month ban you gave me on November 26, 2024. This is my first post since the ban expired in late January 2025.

You posted the following explanation for the ban: "not being able to constructively engage in conversation, responding in an offensive and insulting manner as well as continuing after a moderator stepped in."

I am not objecting to the ban. (I disagree that I was non-constructive/offensive/insulting, but I acknowledge that your judgment controls in these matters.) I was, however, surprised to see that one of the reasons for the ban was "continuing after a moderator stepped in." No moderator warning showed up on my end before the ban.

Here is the entire short sequence of events as they appeared on my screen:

1. My original post.
2. Member A replied to my original post. I did not reply to Member A.
3. Member B replied to my original post.
4. I replied to Member B.
5. I was banned.

Throughout the above sequence, no moderator warning showed up on my end, although I assume you initiated one. Perhaps this incident was an isolated anomaly. If the issue is more systemic, though, then there might be other members who have been/will be similarly affected.


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Thanks for your kind reply and in fact I have no explanation for the issue you described so either it was indeed a glitch I cannot correct anymore or maybe even an error on my side (in case I really banned you), sorry for this … I‘ll try to find out but do not promise anything.