New spammer has appeared that has nasty habbit to to crawl back when ever we try to ban him....I have banned him twice today allready and I have this feeling that Im having a busy weekend coming up. This new guy has used names USalltheway, Americanoilman, USimperialist and most recent one, trytobanme1.....
He is not vince, but acts with same manner, so lets impose him a same procedures. If you spot someone whit name sounding like that (or anyother) making pro-US neocon smelling posts that would normally irratate you to answer whit fire and brimstone, DON'T do that! These waccoes gets their kicks from seeing their trolling working so in order to dry their intress out, We need to ignore them. So contact me or other mods and let us deal whit it.
Now, this is not a manifest of some sort of policy of SDF that we would automatically parse out all american rigth wing obinions out of the blue and follow some blindfolded single truth path, Not att all! We try to focus on objectivines and politics free discussion of chinese military.
We wont, however tolerate idiots, and those who seek only purpose of internet forums to be place where they can lure the innocent into flamebaits and squable over eternity issues to boast with their own ego and "superior" inteligent
Gollevainen Super moderator
He is not vince, but acts with same manner, so lets impose him a same procedures. If you spot someone whit name sounding like that (or anyother) making pro-US neocon smelling posts that would normally irratate you to answer whit fire and brimstone, DON'T do that! These waccoes gets their kicks from seeing their trolling working so in order to dry their intress out, We need to ignore them. So contact me or other mods and let us deal whit it.
Now, this is not a manifest of some sort of policy of SDF that we would automatically parse out all american rigth wing obinions out of the blue and follow some blindfolded single truth path, Not att all! We try to focus on objectivines and politics free discussion of chinese military.
We wont, however tolerate idiots, and those who seek only purpose of internet forums to be place where they can lure the innocent into flamebaits and squable over eternity issues to boast with their own ego and "superior" inteligent
Gollevainen Super moderator