National Iq - The Answer To All

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Just Hatched
Registered Member
The following information come as a result of numerous investigation and research carried out for years on a global scale, they may not be all that accurate, but they all basicly convey the same message:

Chinese > American > Indian

The thing worth a note here is that all these research are carried out by whites.

It may be easier for you to understand if you play strategy games like starcraft or warcraft, almost all the top players are from East Asia.

Stop posting threads like China vs India, they don't stand a chance and they never will.
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
God damn!!!! Just as I managed to put clear instructions of what sort of threads isent tolerated in here....guess I need to take stronger tools in use once again.:mad: :mad:

But anyway, Welcome to china defence today forum, consider yourself warned. If you want to survive here, read the forum rules of what sort of stuff can be presented and what shouldn't
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