Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Are these anglos tone deaf? The time to make a concrete deal with Russia was anytime pre 2022, they had their chance, they blew it. These anglo elites have allowed their arrangement with the zionist ruling class to corrupt their sense of objectivity in favour of ethnic narcissism.

The anglos have got to be the most cowardly hegemon in human history. Any state which willingly follows them is shameless. Imagine telling your people your children must die because white Anglo zionists who can’t do a single chin up need to make money.

Any one keeping track of Eurovision which i am told is a major cultural event for the West, should be aware of the controversy re the very european nation of middle east located israeli regime in Palestine in Eurovision

Israel has about as much right to be in eurovision as wannabe white anglo australia
Fuck eurovision they kicked out mah boy Joost kleine. International super star in the Netherlands and some parts of Germany.


Registered Member
I like David Goldman with his sober analysis on a lot of economics and geopolitics, especially on U.S. China related issues. But man, this latest post from him just really validated my opinion that religious conviction and the notion that his people are God's chosen people reeks of perverse entitlement that's only reserved exclusively for their kind and no one else's. Not to mention the genocidal aspect of the Book of Exodus justify the killings of every first born just for being born to the wrong ethnic group and family. Were those Egyptian babies, mothers etc...not belong to the same One God? Their lives were disposable garbage; a meaningless existence only existed to serve an interest and cannon fodder for punishment as an example for the chosen ones. What a crock of shit.



Registered Member
They found the tiktok account of the Russia lady who claimed to be the wife of the American serviceman who was deployed in Korea then arrested in Russia.

"I think NATO is pretty aggressive, I understand Russia's position, obviously they want to defend their country". I wonder how many other US servicemen have similar opinions like him.

I also understand why he would have made those statements ;)


Registered Member
They found the tiktok account of the Russia lady who claimed to be the wife of the American serviceman who was deployed in Korea then arrested in Russia.

"I think NATO is pretty aggressive, I understand Russia's position, obviously they want to defend their country". I wonder how many other US servicemen have similar opinions like him.

I also understand why he would have made those statements ;)
Wha? Swallow agents are real and still exists?
That's a lot of effort too, goes to much greater length than what ISI does when they lure DRDO staff.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I like David Goldman with his sober analysis on a lot of economics and geopolitics, especially on U.S. China related issues. But man, this latest post from him just really validated my opinion that religious conviction and the notion that his people are God's chosen people reeks of perverse entitlement that's only reserved exclusively for their kind and no one else's. Not to mention the genocidal aspect of the Book of Exodus justify the killings of every first born just for being born to the wrong ethnic group and family. Were those Egyptian babies, mothers etc...not belong to the same One God? Their lives were disposable garbage; a meaningless existence only existed to serve an interest and cannon fodder for punishment as an example for the chosen ones. What a crock of shit.

Religion is the biggest con, scam cult since mankind became able to speak language....

No wonder a mere 10 years ago Hillary was preaching about Religious freedom to China.... just looking at fat Pompeo bible thumping about Rapture

Religion in modern day is weaponized by the hegemon for the purpose of projecting and maintaining hegemony, to soften targets abroad to make ripe for CIA coups and to keep the homeland iSheeple blessfully asleep and unified under "God" to better serve the Empire of Evil


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Swallow agent got a top Chinese administrator in CNSA back in mid 2010s.
Maybe they swallowed too much ‘white mushrooms’ and went as crazy as that Zelensky fool. The end result is inevitable if they swallow too much for their own good but then what do I know. These people are crazy