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Here is mathematical study of air-to-air combat done by USAF Major Ronald E. Gilbert in 2011. using Lancaster model . Especially interesting is his prediction what would happen in potential China vs US conflict . He basically concluded that US would need to employ more then 100 fighters (mixed force of F-15 and F-22) to defeat then available Chinese force . Since that time , things were progressing for China , so using his methods you could calculate what would be happening now Interesting part starts at page 55 of 84 (marked 45 in document)
A significant disparity is noticed immediately with the output of the ARENA attrition model for China in comparison to the other two case studies. Based on the sizeable initial force of 3rd and 4 th
generation fighters and the increased technological capability that presents itself in greater EA degradation, China is able to defeat the entire blue force of 64 F-15Cs and 32 F-22s (initial force and reinforcements). This result leads to running the simulation again with increased initial blue forces and results in similar output. The second set of data highlights total destruction of the US fighters once more; however, the increased blue numbers delay the outcome allowing more reinforcements to arrive, while destroying almost twice as many Chinese aircraft. This iteration of blue initial strength is repeated to determine the point of inflection, representing the smaller blue force attrition rate as demonstrated in Section III. Captured below in Table 16 are the average results of each of the five separate tests, run ten times each to account for the stochastic effect of maintenance variation, each representing a different blue force initial strength ...