Massive Google Earth Update


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Large areas of the PRC have been gone over with very good and updated sat imagery. Huge airfields with camoflage on runways and air hangers. really great stuff check it out. VERY LARGE GOOGLE UPDATE WITH LARGE CHUNKS OF THE AREA AROUND ROC AND PRC THEATER OF OPERATIONS


The Troll Hunter
Staff member
Thank you for sharing the google earth pictures. Just fantastic scenery.


New Member
VIP Professional
Thanks for this...however...perhaps use with caution...the Shanghai area
I am currently looking at appears to be a photo/photos from several years ago...maybe 2001 or so...the building I am currently sitting in right now, just off People's Sq, is about 1/3 built (I can assure it is now a very nice building !).

Have not looked anywhere else yet but what is there may well not be up to date (which would make sense I suppose)

Where are you seeing the airfields etc ????
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New Member
could you prehaps give us the lat and long of the airfields. yeh it has changed a lot now.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
how many 051C on Dalian???:confused: just to makes some things clear for change (And I cannot wiev it in my home, my CP is bitching again and shutdowns the screen when ever wieving something intresting...)


VIP Professional
GE does let you know when the image has been taken. What does it say about the particular shangai image allegedly from 2001? what's the date it's been taken? (in case you need help its bottom left corner of screen, layers menu, last several layers reading DG coverage)

With varyag pic, i remember looking some two months ago and not seeing varyag at all. Now a whole new batch of pics has been uploaded (tons of airfields all over china) and presto - vayag is seen. Date of latest pic of that area is march 25th, 2006.


VIP Professional
I've seen one building. It features 4 round holes on the mock helicopter hangar and two more round holes in the front, can't miss it. It looks to be still under construction for some time to come.

On a side note, a good deal of hi res pics throughout china were clearly taken with the purpose of photographing military airfields. I've lost count now how many times theres an area of no big importance, nothing close to any major areas, and then - bang - a hi res pic in the middle of it with a military airfield smack in the middle of that. While it's possible aviation enthusiats payed for some of those pics i wouldn't be surprised that governments too ordered some, saves up on fuel of their own spy satellites. :)
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Gollevainen said:
how many 051C on Dalian???:confused: just to makes some things clear for change (And I cannot wiev it in my home, my CP is bitching again and shutdowns the screen when ever wieving something intresting...)

there's two Golly ;)
see them my Finnish friend? one tied down with weapons fitting the other in dry dock..
look at the 4 missile tubes :D