JQ-X Fighter


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VIP Professional

Does China need a programme akin to the JSF for a standard air-force/navy 5th generation medium fighter/strike platform to complement the J-14?

Even with the JH-17 and J-10 China still has a massive fleet of increasingly obsolete J-7s and Q-5s still in service.

Maybe supped up versions of the JH-17 and J-10? Or something borrow China's no-doubt years of stealth/modern materials research leveraging work we can assume has taken place for the larger and presumably more expensive J-14?

Here's a starter for 10...



VIP Professional
If JXX/J14 does end up being a fairly stealthy, proper 5th generation plane, similar in size and mission to f22 or pakfa, it does seem logical and very likely to complement it with a smaller, one engined plane. I'd say the need is definitely there.

In effect, that plane should replace j10s, though realistically, it is more likely to serve alongside it for a decade or two...

Q5 doesn't need a proper replacement, meaning no dedicated attack plane. Even today Q5 fleet is quickly diminishing, it actually seems as if new J10s are replacing Q5s rather than J7s in numbers, if not in squadrons.

Should the new plane be something like JSF? Sure, to an extent. I believe the j10 replacement should be something only slightly heavier and bigger than j10 intself, and definitely smaller and lighter than f35. There'd probably be no STOVL version, though i'd say its quite likely there'd be a naval version developed, with bigger wing etc.

The image below depicts a plane which used j10s features as a starting point. Naturally, it'd really be a completely new plane. It does have to be said that the image below was made perfectly to scale with existing j10. Length is the same, though the plane's body is taller and wider. With larger engine, larger wing, internal weapons carriage, etc, etc, its bound to be heavier, easely two tons heavier, in my opinion.

While it would probably be of lowered RCS, i went with more conventional layout and didn't sacrifice everything to low RCS. Not because it's not worth it (i do believe it is) but because the tech and manufacturing just may not be quite there within next ten years. Still, sub 1 m squared RCS should be attainable...

Since it's smaller than f35, internal weapons capacity is smaller. Four amraams or four 500 kg bombs. Weapon bays would just be too shallow for anything larger, though some square shaped, jsow like missile should be able to fit inside, two of them actually, even if they weighed 1000 kg. Still, current pl12's fins are just too large for this weapons bay. It was made to fit amraam sized missile, not anything bigger than that. In addition to that, internal fuel hold is also bound to be smaller than f35, with fuel fraction probably not going over 25%.

Heavier weapons would hopefully be carried by JH7's replacement, or perhaps j14 would be designed as a multirole plane and not just air superiority one like f22.

Planeman, your design looks quite sleek but, like you said in your post, it is clearly a q5 and j7 replacement. It seems to be tailored for attack role as much as it is made for fighter role. Why the choice of forward swept wings? Because of lower and transonic speeds mostly used in ground attack missions?


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Banned Idiot
中国目前正在研制一代的作战飞机就是歼-13隐形歼击机。歼-13于”九五”末期开始立项研制。国家先期投资达80 多亿,由611所组织研制,是该所继歼-10之后,组织研制又一国家重大专项工程。该机采用了多种隐身材料和技术,使其迎头方向的雷达截面积(RCS)降低到0.5平方米,敌方雷达对它的探测距离将减半。由中国科学院电磁理论和应用研究所研究人员组织的科研小组对歼-13在进气道和发动机的压缩机叶片表面喷上了一层铁磁雷达吸波材料。其中一种厚度0.7MM和1.4MM的涂层材料用于进气道;一种0.5MM的涂层材料用于低压压气机前级叶片。这些措施可以使歼13进气道产生的雷达反射降低10-15DB;为了隐身,歼-13的座舱盖也进行了改进,研制人员已开发了一种等离子体沉积处理工艺,把等离子体沉积到金属和聚合物材料夹层中。把波屏蔽在座舱外,同时不影响太阳光的进入。歼-13的动力装置是WS-10A发动机,最大推力为14000公斤,推质比接近 9,发动机的级数为7级,并具有轴对称矢量喷管。该发动机的核心机已于2004年完成测试,歼-13的演示样机已于2004年开始在成飞总装,预计 2008-2010年服役。它将采用更加先进的综合航电系统,火控雷达为1475型有源相控阵雷达,是我国一种具有第四代歼击机特点的准四代中型歼击机。是我国标准第四代歼击机出现前,应对F-22与F-35威胁的利器。世界论坛网
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★歼-14第四代重型歼击机:歼-14由601所研发,采用两台由624 所研制的YWH-30-27核心机派生发展的大推力发动机 WS-17,推质比10,发动机最大推力17500公斤,采用轴对称矢量喷管,飞机外形有点象 YF-23,该机具有较好的隐身性能,RCS为0.15平方米,具有优异的亚,超音速气动性能,可长时间不开加力进行超音速巡航及良好的亚音速,超音速机动;具有较强的远,中,近距空战能力,携带先进的能对付多个目标攻击的发射后不管的空对空中远距导弹,大离轴发射角抗赶扰的近距格斗导弹,高威力精确制导对地武器等;具有高性能的综合化航电系统,融合机内和机外信息,以最简明的形式提供给飞行员态姿信息,充分发挥飞行员的作用,并实现智能辅助飞行。
★强- 7隐身攻击机:强-7是我国即将立项研制的新一代近距支援攻击机,采用了隐身设计,装备一台由624所研制的YWH-30- 27核心机派生发展的小涵道比不加力涡扇发动机WS-18,最大推力10000-11000公斤,具备一定的超音速巡航能力。该机将逐步替换我国的强- 5。歼轰-8歼击轰炸机:歼轰- 8是我国将要研制的新一代歼击轰炸机。它研制参考了俄罗斯的苏-34,是在我国歼-11基础上独自创新发展的。但该机与苏-34不同的是,采用了隐身设计。该机最大航程7000公里,发动机采用的是两台由624所研制的YWH-25-17核心机派生发展的推比9一级较大推力发动机WS-16,单台最大推力14000公斤,载弹量达10吨以上。轰-9战略轰炸机:轰-9在95年立项开始预研。该机在无空中加油的情况下,航程可超过8000公里,有空中加油的情况航程超过12000公里。该机巡航速度可达2M,突防速度可达到超过4M,载弹量20吨-40吨。该机还有更好的隐身性能。发动机是四台由624所研制的YWH-30-27核心机派生发展的大推力,推比10一级发动机WS-19,最大推力为18700公斤。


Tyrant King
This is some thing I have been thinking about for a little while.
although I side Differently into the Argument. If a new Fighter Were created I feel that STOVL Should be one of the Primary Goals Although a Conventional Take off should also be done. The Fight would sit under the J10 or Equal too as I doubt any one is ready for the Costs of a F22 killer, but a Eurofighter killer might be more reasonable. as with every Modern Aircraft it would Logically include a reduced RCS. the Question Of super maneuverability is of interest. Any fighter Has To include Multi role capabilities. Especially if it's targeted too Counter the JSF.
the Projects Goals should Include Two main Variants A STOVL Variant for naval Support and a Conventional Take off for conventional Forces; and From there Export versions. the Over all Airframe need not include internal missile bays or Reverse wings although some form of Thrust vectoring is a must. the Jones must be included. Reduced RCS, Advanced Fly by wire, AESA Radar, HOSATs, Super Cruise, Electro optics, HUD, HMD, and the Like.

A VTOL Version will of course Sacrifice arms for weight meaning a Ctol will carry more weapons, say 9 hard point too 7 another thing too think about is the choice of Gun Internal or External Light or Heavy Inclusion of ECM kit and counter ECM electronics?

But over all I think the Big thing is Price