Lieutenant General
So, Japan is warning NK that it might shoot down the rocket NK plans to use to put a satellite in orbit for the first time.
It strikes me as odd that there would be any legal justification for doing so, especially if the rocket does it's ascent stage in NK airspace.
What missile would Japan use to try and intercept this rocket if they do decide to go ahead? Has Japan taken delivery of SM3s?
Does anyone know where the NK rocket launch site is? And more specifically, how close is it to the coast?
Personally, I think this is just political posturing, and that Japan would never do such a thing.
The risk and consequences would be just too great. Japan would really struggle to justify intercepting the rocket if it violated NK airspace in order to do so, but if they waited until the rocket was outside of NK airspace, well it would either be in space (which again would be extremely hard to justify shooting it down since space is neutral and everyone's satellites pass over everyone else in space) or it would be so high that there would be a high risk that falling debris will hit Japan, which would be an own goal of monumental proportions if that happened.