J-35 carrier fighter (PLAN) thread


Lieutenant General
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Indeed a strange - sometimes in good mood I accept it as parody or funny - discussion I had with him, but what else to expect from a Jai-Hind fan-boy?

Someone should remember this guy and post a video for him when one comes out with a J-35 taking off from a ramp....

I already promised him I will do!


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Serpentine intake will reduce engine thrust but it all depends on how much power the engines actually have to be too detrimental for STOBAR operations.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Serpentine intake will reduce engine thrust but it all depends on how much power the engines actually have to be too detrimental for STOBAR operations.
S-ducts themselves do not inherently reduce thrust. Thrust depends on the engine's ability to ingest and accelerate air efficiently, so it's not directly diminished by the duct's presence alone. As long as the ductings are well-designed, the flow disruptions would be minimised and the impacts on thrust can be mitigated.