Israel UAV success as an case study of the Israeli technology development

Li Shizhen

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Why has Israel, a small country with a relatively young population of six million inhabitants, emerged as a dynamic force in high technology?

For many experts and specialists in Israel, the success of this country in the high-tech field is mainly due to the influences of the Israeli Defence Forces, the country’s military industries, its military intelligence units, its research institutes, and its universities.

The success of the UAV is one such example that is linked to the Israeli model of development.

Originally, the idea behind developing UAVs, also called drones, was to lower the loss of pilots to a minimum in the event of war, and to track enemy territory. Currently, drones are used for reconnaissance purposes, but major technological advancements are required before they can be used for combat purposes (mainly because these are rapidly changing situations in which human intelligence is more efficient than computers).

The main world producers of UAVs are Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical and Northrop Grumman in the U.S., Target Technologies and Aerospatiale in Europe. I.A.I. in Israel, Kentron in Africa, and Fuji Heavy Industries in Asia.

An analysis of the industry reveals the following key elements of Israeli strategy:

-Succeeding at all costs in the long term by using technological innovation as a priority and establishing technological partnerships with foreign industrialists in order to make the best of technological know-how.

-Assimilating all technology and know-how without becoming victims of the “not invented here” syndrome; Israeli industrialists and scientists have no difficulty in integrating foreign know-how in their product development and are capable of using reverse engineering in a quasi-scientific manner (dismantling competitors’ products to rebuild them).

-Using economy and technological intelligence as a management tool: given the highly competitive nature of the industry, Israelis are closely watching and analyzing the operational strategies of other players in the market in order to compete.

-Turning toward civilian or military authorities for direct or indirect support (R&D financing, testing orders, tax exemptions, free trade zones, etc.). These authorities, working on tight research budgets, usually scatter orders across at least 20 companies thriving around the market leader, Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI). An increasingly keen and organized competition

According to experts, the world market for UAVs should jump from revenues of almost $2.3 billion in 1998 to more than $4.31 billion in 2004. Once technological and regulatory issues are overcome to the satisfaction of the potential market, revenues should increase dramatically. Moreover, the market is forecast to become increasingly competitive, which will reduce the number of participants.

The increasing maturity of technology in the UAV industry would lead to a reduction in the number of manufacturers, which currently range in size from market leaders such as IAI Malat Division and larger manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin to smaller national companies.

It is also important to note that the Israelis start with new markets. Thus, Singapore Technologies has signed a 814 million contract with Israel’s Emit Aviation Consultancy for the new Blue Horizon UAV and is set to develop its own larger, more powerful variant called Firefly. Israeli drones also find applications in new fields, such as mine detection and radar jamming.

It can be argued that Israel’s major competitor in terms of entrepreneurship, creativity, hunger for innovation, love for change, and danger is Silicon Valley. On the other hand, many nations surpass Israel in terms of technology, management, marketing, and production.

The entrepreneurial class is highly educated, multilingual, and non-politicized. Their origins are European and North American. They have little contact with Orthodox Jews or Arabs and have a youthful, outward looking, and flexible approach combined with a desire for growth and change and willingness to take risks that is specific to their culture.

Through its rich and turbulent history, the country’s confidence has strengthened until today. Its economic success is built on firm foundations. Israel has managed to create and develop an economic model with its own characteristics and strengths.

Thus, Israel managed to create its strong position in the UAV industry by adopting a technology-focused industrial policy, acting as an enabler for the country dense population of dynamic entrepreneurs.

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New Member
well it's easy to say that israel succeed due to their experience in war,
they surounded by arabs and they have full back up from us in term of technology.they good at r&d too.

Li Shizhen

New Member
Israel a hub for high-tech advances
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(CNN) -- Israel's security needs have forced the country to fast track its high-tech solutions, meaning one of its key industries is in the area of defense developments.

Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) is a prime example of how the country has adapted to its needs. In 1975, it pioneered the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), better known as the drone.

The drone and related technologies were born out of experience in the Yom Kippur War.

Now, from giants like the predator that can fly for two days non-stop, to micro drones that fit in a backpack, these UAVs are recognized as a crucial part of modern warfare and a top seller for Israel.

Getting data from the drone is only half the problem -- distributing it and making it meaningful is the real challenge.

These days, technology means that one person can effectively control the battlefield with the push of a button or the pull of a joystick, known as "network-centric warfare."

IAI Corporate vice president Dany Kleiman told CNN that his company's products were typical of Israel's accomplishments born out of necessity.

"In order to buy from Israel and be sole source for U.S. prime customer or any customer you must be very strong in quality, very strong in delivery and most important you need to come with the most innovative product to make sure you can capture the eye of a customer," Kleiman said.

Twister" is one of the company's cutting edge of battlefield innovations. It is a three-dimensional moving map of military campaigns in real time.

Shlomo Dovrat is a high-tech entrepreneur who founded Israeli technology venture capital firm Carmel Ventures.

He told CNN that the country's compulsory military service had created a large pool of tech-savvy motivated young workers -- all eager to develop their own ideas.

"There's a lot of very good cultural as well as technological, managerial and entrepreneurial training for anyone who comes out of the army and goes out and is very passionate about what they do," Dovrat said.

He said the conveyor belt of young entrepreneurs leaving military service is one reason why Israel has proportionately twice the engineers of the USA or Japan.

Medical technology company Mediguide is typical of ex-defense know-how now being exploited commercially.

The company is currently building a GPS system for the human body.

Company president and CEO Gera Strommer told CNN that he and his business partner were working for a defense company when they came up with the idea.

"We saw a lot of very intriguing technology that can be used in various applications and we found out that there is a big need for these kind of capabilities in the medical arena."

If it sells, Mediguide hopes to join the other 120 Israeli companies quoted on the U.S. Nasdaq.

With 55 percent of Israel's exports now technology based, regional dominance in this field is likely to interest investors for many years to come.

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Bental To Showcase UAV and UGV Solutions At Eurosatory 2006

Bental, Israel, June 8, 2006 - Bental Industries Ltd., Israel’s Motion Systems House for defense and commercial applications, is showcasing its advanced solutions for UAVs, Satellite Cameras and Armored Ground Vehicles at Eurosatory 2006. The company's stand located at the Israel Pavilion, Booth F-39/7

Bental’s superior integration capabilities, supported by electro-mechanical expertise, experienced engineering and advanced production facilities and processes, have consistently enabled it to deliver total tailored solutions.

US Acquisition Drives Marketing Push
Bental has taken a strategic decision to dedicate significant efforts and resources to making a major thrust in the US, and has acquired full ownership of a Baltimore, Maryland company engaged in manufacturing motion systems and motors for ground vehicles. This company, now named Bental Industries Inc., will spearhead Bental’s marketing expansion in the US and other markets.

Integrated into the Israel Defense Forces and other modern armies and defense manufacturers, Bental solutions are expected to score success in the US as well.

UAV solutions
Bental offers all the on-board and payload systems required by mini-UAVs. Its solutions have an exceptional track record on the Heron, Searcher and Harpy platforms produced by Israel Aircraft Industries, and other mini-UAVs.

Bental’s systems for integration into mini-UAVs include Motion Systems, Stabilized Gimbal Payload Systems for observation, miniaturized payloads, Electronics for communications, Video Transmission and Location Positioning.

Committed to delivering total integrated solutions for mini-UAVs, Bental is cooperating with Teleflight, a specialist in developing cutting edge systems, including the Smallest Stabilized Gimbal Payload Systems in the world¾sized 2.75” as well as 4” and 8”, for day and night operation, with system stabilization in the range of 200 to 50 micro radians, miniaturized payloads and advanced, miniaturized electronics. These solutions address the challenges of mini and micro-UAVs, which demand exceptional stabilization, high resolution observation, and low weight.

Recently the company released its latest line of innovative unified Starter Generators which starts the UAV's main motor and other systems. It unifies two functionalities into one unit to substantially reduce weight and volume. At the same time, the new Starter Generator increases the platform’s endurance and safety. Ease of operation by ground operators is another important key feature.

Ground vehicle motion solutions: Brushless Motors and more
Bental offers a range of motors which include elevation and traverse motors, based on Brush, Brushless or Limited Angle Torque (Toroidal) technologies.

Designed to function under the heaviest loads and harsh environmental conditions, the motors are particularly notable for their ability to deliver exceptional power and the smooth, accurate operations demanded by tank turrets and other MBT elements, as well as space cameras such as the ones installed in the Galileo satellite.

The Merkava Mark II Battle Tank was the first to benefit from Bental motors, followed by Mark III and IV with all their sophisticated capabilities supported by Bental's Motion Systems

Bental also offers the Blowers/Dust Scavengers that are integral to the vehicle's motor filtering system which feature exceptional filtering and a long life cycle, as well as other systems.

Satellite camera solutions
Bental’s expertise in miniaturization and stabilization is expressed in its line of motion systems for satellite cameras.

About Bental
Bental Industries Ltd., active since 1983, specializes in innovative motion technologies such as PM Brushless Motors, PMGs (Permanent Magnet Generators) Electronic Drivers & Controllers, Servo Actuators, Stabilized Gimbal Systems and more. The company is the leading supplier in its field to Israel’s defense industries. Its products are also supplied to military, aerospace and industrial companies worldwide. The company’s ability to tailor cutting edge technology and innovative design to specific project requirements enables it to welcome the most challenging demands. Bental's products are integrated into various platforms and applications including: turret & gun control systems for AFVs, UAVs, missiles, jet engines, cryogenic coolers for thermal imaging systems, optical systems, rotational drives for large antennae pedestals and more.

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